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  1. Paul28

    Understanding Google Panda help required

    theres a great explanation of google panda update over at wholesale forums
  2. Paul28

    7 Hours Later...

    google only got 30% of market in china ... no one care
  3. Paul28

    niches that are not over exploited yet

    looking for a niche try fablon
  4. Paul28

    Computer keeps crashing LRF missing ?

    My computer keeps crashing , aint no fun , LRF is missing ? any ideas ? Paul
  5. Paul28

    Good logo speaks for itself

    it also makes you feel good every time you look at it :-) wonder what the london olypics bid commitee think every time they look at their logo ...urghhhh :crying:
  6. Paul28

    a dying website engineer'25 Best ways to Promote your Website Online

    its a full time jobdoing those 25 things ! lot of time work and effort ... but for long term no spend free long tail search engine listings you wont be it ....
  7. Paul28

    2010 Google's new changes and future planing

    I relly dont understnd the jist of what your saying
  8. Paul28

    Please review my site

    nice name ... i uppoe you jut need some publicity to actually get people to sign up for it ..thats the issiue i gues ... meeting that tipping point where sign ups look after themselves mmmm
  9. Paul28

    Functionality - my site.

    OOOhhhh Myyyyyy GAAWWWDDDD ...its got half naked women on that site ............ ya could have warned us
  10. Paul28

    Submit Your UK Business Listing

    Nope , still problem , i cant submit anyways
  11. Paul28

    Google Chrome

    google seem to be using offline methods to advertise CHROME , i have seen Billboards and buses with chrome adverts ... seems kinda strange
  12. Paul28

    Hi from Swansea!

    Swansea that not where they film the amazing Dr Who series ? ever seen a dalek walking down your street LOL
  13. Paul28

    New Page rank check tool

    True indeed, your tool is useful enough for me. More power!
  14. Paul28

    Different IP Address

    It's just like - the more IP you will use the more points you will gain.
  15. Paul28

    Do follow blog commenting - List of Do follow blogs

    Checked the link by the thread starter and looks promising. Have you personally tried using them?
  16. Paul28

    Web Directory competition

    Can you post the mechanics here?
  17. Paul28

    Hi from Swansea!

    Hello Erkin, Welcome aboard!
  18. Paul28

    20 Traffic Ideas

    I have tried almost everything in that list except this one - 12. Make a custom error page for your website redirecting people to your home page Anyone tried it? I wonder if it will really work out?
  19. Paul28

    335 Places to List Your Blog

    Can anyone tell me if all of it are currently working? Many thanks for this mate.
  20. Paul28

    How often do you blog?

    Writing in a blog really requires a lot of patience and interest. Consistency is another important thing to take note too.