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    5 Star Affiliate Programs Now Under New Ownership

    Sound great... I look forward to working with you both. With you or Mark be at Affiliate Summit West in January?
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    5 Star Affiliate Programs Now Under New Ownership

    WOW... it's been a while since I've been on the forum and recently came back. Would you be the new owner? If so, congrats! (It would make sense as to why I have seen so many recent posts from you) :-) Best wishes for continued success! I am happy to help (and contribute) however I can. Anthony
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    Facebook Marketing When You Have No Budget

    Thanks DJ, I will add that is you have at least $7 per month, to look into Post Planner. I just started using it and it's amazing. And c'mon... $7 a month? If someone can't come up with that, they need to get a job to support their business habit. ;-) ~ Anthony
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    Vote for Affiliate Summit West 2016 Sessions

    Thanks for posting this. I voted a few days ago and I am looking forward to Affiliate Summit West in Jan! Let's connect if you are going to be there... Best, Anthony
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    Growing Your Blog to the Next Level With SEO

    I think the comment was a bit misguided. As Linda pointed out with the URL (Permalink structure), many of the SEO Enhancements are configured in the admin console and the theme doesn't have too much to do with the URL structure. Using an SEO plugin is helpful as it allows you to tweak the...
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    What kind of price range?

    There isn't a simple answer. It depends on what kind of revenue the site generates and what you can negotiate with the buyer. Some people are interested in traffic, but many pricing models include "x" times the monthly or annual revenue of the site. As a seller, I would have a hard time taking...
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    Got $20,000 to spend on Internet Marketing Campaign

    alexroux, This isn't the ideal forum for this. You really need to sit down with a trusted Search Marketing consultant who can look at your goals and help you take a look at the competitve landscape for your market before making recommendations. I will say this however, you shoud focus on a...
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    Get Paid ($200 to $4,500+) to Help Businesses Stay Profitable

    One of the best ways to keep a business profitable is to make sure it can be found in the search engines. Search Agency is an industry leader in Search Engine Marketing with an 11+ year history of helping businesses capture their market online. Currently, we offer an affiliate...
  9. S Affiliate Program- 25% Commission!

    I might add for those in the real estate industries, that there are two additional features of this program that I personally found very helpful: 1. Wordpress plugin. This allows you to simply add this program to anywordpress blog. 2. Interactive map. This can be added to your website...
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    Hello affiliate world from South Carolina

    Bryan, Welcome to the forum. As to your questions: 1. Yes, I believe a small percentage of people make money in affiliate marketing, and mostly because of the ease of entry into the business. It generally doesn't cost anything to join a program and say you are an affiliate marketer...
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    Hi Everybody - My name is Andreas aka Wellness360

    Welcome Andreas. Wellness is a subject that I much appreciate, and is of continued growing interest as more people take personal responsibility for their health. Best wishes! Anthony
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    Two pieces of php code that you may find helpful are: 1. The 301 redirect code, which will allow you to mask affiliate URL's 2. php include - which makes making sites updates easier. There are several free resources out there where you can learn how to implement those in your site. Just...
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    Bottom Feeders Using Obama Stimulus Package for Bogus CPA Offers

    I saw one similar from a FB ad, that went to a lame page where the guy had made all of his own blogs comments as if it were a dialogue (all of the comments had his affiliate URL). When I tried to post a comment to ask about the legitimacy (my wife asks why I waste time with things like this)...
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    It can be me!

    Thanks Jim. Given his success, I assumed as much. Just wanted to confirm. Speaking of focus, I once heard this at a conference and it applies to affiliate marketing just the same, "if you are trying to pursue multiple opportunities, you will most likely fail at all of them". It was one of...
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    In Tacoma and in Debt!!!

    jnstrom, Welcome to 5 Star. Without knowing more about your sitation, here is my two cents: 1. Make sure you are taking a rounded approach to building your traffic. For example consider that you could possibly get more leverage for an article as a blog post vs. at an article site. 2. Make...
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    RevUpCard - Your Alternative for Affiliate Payments

    Linda, how does one get more information on this program? Thanks, Anthony
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    It can be me!

    Jeff, Thanks for sharing your story of perseverance and committment. Those of us who have been invovled in Affiliate Marketig for some time, know that it is a buisness like any other and must be developed over time. Would you mid sharing whether or not you focused on one site or not, and if...
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    Social bookmarking sites

    Did you pay $25 to become a sponsor or are you trying the StumbleUpon ads? My posts were referring to using SU for Social Marketing, but the advertising is certainly another angle.
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    New to 5 Star

    Glad to meet you. Looks like you have elicited a warm welcome.
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    Hello Affiliate Marketers!

    Welcome to 5 star! We look forward to your copywriting insights :)