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Search results for query: emily bizprofits

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  1. Akeentech

    What niches brought you the most money ?

    Can you share more lights on this please
  2. azgold

    Hi guys

    Here it is, Emily: Cryptocurrency
  3. P

    Which verticals are allowed to be promoted on OutBrain and Taboola

    Yeah dude, they are really at the right position to help you with this. You can ask them, or even use some tools that could help you to find this by your own too, and by this i mean any spy service out there.
  4. RamyAdcombo

    Which verticals are allowed to be promoted on OutBrain and Taboola

    Hi Emily, As we know Outbrain and Taboola are traffic sources that provide Native Ads. Some native ads sources provide you the chance to work with a variety of offers in COD, CPL, CPA and even CPS and in a wide range of verticals like Diet, Health and Beauty, Cryptos, Gambling, Sweeptakes and...
  5. Tariq Ben

    Discover the unique prelander feature for the Pay Per Call vertical

    Do you have an offer that pays as high as $450 for 2 minute 5 seconds call? If yes, will love to work with you.
  6. David2017

    Anyone Promoting Pure Asian Garcinia?

    Many thanks, Azgold!
  7. azgold

    Anyone Promoting Pure Asian Garcinia?

    ...CPA earnings. (scroll down to weight loss) Why More Affiliates are Using Native Advertising to Promote Health and Beauty Offers ( @emily bizprofits always posts great tutorials!) Weight Loss Offer with Bing Journey (a follow-along journey, see how the member moves from zero leads) You can...
  8. Raviranjan Srivastava

    Attract More Instagram Traffic To Your Prelanders With Instagress Automation Software

    What type offer do you have? I have a channel related to beauty tips and tricks also have two Instagram account beauty related I am currently using ogads+ ig but there is no such beauty offer To you have any adult offer (can offer) Pm me with details
  9. UncleScrooge

    How to Promote Sweepstakes on Pop Traffic: Short Guide

    Zeropark is not for newbies. They rejected me recently, though i told them i have $200 on PropellerAds and plan to spend at least $300 on ZeroPark. Their reply was "you do not qualify for a ZeroPark account. We suggest the following networks; popads, popcash" So i suppose you should change this...
  10. UncleScrooge

    How to Promote Sweepstakes on Pop Traffic: Short Guide

    Wanted to ask more abt testing. i've seen many recommendations about tests. Some of them say that you need at least 70 clicks to call test a success. Some say you need a week of testing and your daily (!) budget must be around 10 times the payout. Whats your approach on the longevity of the...
  11. Chamal Priyadarshana

    How to Promote Sweepstakes on Pop Traffic: Short Guide

    Yes, it does. But, finding good traffic source and an offer is difficult.
  12. SandR

    Recommendations for affiliate network?

    emily bizprofits, Do you have single goods like in Clickbank?
  13. Peter T

    Is anyone using nativeadbuzz?

    Hi @emily bizprofits and @CPMstars yes it works! Full disclosure I am co-founder of the company. But we have also used it ourselves to make $$$$$$$ in our own campaigns and websites. After all that's why we created it! We offer a 7 day trial for only $7 are much much cheaper then our...
  14. J

    Affiliates Wanted Pokimon Go Offers

    Can I join your skype
  15. goraz1

    How To Run Skin Offers on Instagram

    Hey how many followers had a site where you bought your shoutouts? Thanks
  16. Ibrahime AMEUR

    How To Run Skin Offers on Instagram

    Cooll!! Thanks @emily bizprofits
  17. azgold

    Snapchat Ads: What Marketers Need to Know

    Your posts are always terrific, @emily bizprofits ! I had heard a rumour that SnapChat had "matured" but I still had the impression that it was not a place anyone would want to visit. The only stories I'd heard involved adults preying on younger users. What you've posted has given me a new...
  18. S

    Case Study: How To Make Your Audience Purchase Your Product?

    You can make IG accounts on your browser. The rollout for that happened around March-April, so i'm not sure if everyone is able to do this yet, but you should check. And if you're not going to use your phone for IG, (I would deal with the screen, especially if you can root your phone and...
  19. azgold

    Case Study: How To Make Your Audience Purchase Your Product?

    @emily bizprofits - a question: From what I've read, there is absolutely no way to sign up for an IG account except by phone. Okay. But...the screen on my phone is not that big, I would want to use the account online. Are emulators allowed after the initial account registration? If so, can you...
  20. azgold

    Case Study: How To Make Your Audience Purchase Your Product?

    @emily bizprofits - you always provide fantastic value and guidance, thank-you!