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  1. Vita Vee

    TUTORIAL: Clickbank postback to ANY tracker

    Yes that's correct. Nothing else to do.
  2. Vita Vee

    Tracking conversions: FunnelFlux, Peerfly and Zeropark

    You cannot really use the testing feature of Peerfly, or any CPA network because the postback requires an associated hit id, which they don't send when testing. You can, however, test that your setup is ok by simulating the call yourself. Here's how: 1/ Visit your funnel 2/ In the drilldown...
  3. Vita Vee

    Tracking conversions: FunnelFlux, Peerfly and Zeropark

    Hey Craig, In Peerfly, only enter the postback URL that FunnelFlux gives you. Then in FunnelFlux, edit your 'ZeroPark' traffic source, and at the bottom, setup the postback like this: When FunnelFlux will receive a conversion from Peerfly, it will forward it to ZeroPark.
  4. Vita Vee

    FunnelFlux, 3rd day with no trial setup.

    No need for screenshots as I have already provided the timing log above. Hey, we're also doing exactly that :) Thanks for your advice about intercom, taking it into account +1
  5. Vita Vee

    FunnelFlux, 3rd day with no trial setup.

    Hi, Sorry to read that. Anthony will get your trial setup asap. 3 days is not typical, our install policy is 24 hours, except during weekends. If Anthony hadn't fallen into your locked license issue, it would have been installed very quickly as I see the interaction you had with him was...
  6. Vita Vee

    Selling Selling Abandoned SEO Business ($940K revenue those last few years)

    Hey everyone, I have shifted my focus from SEO to paid advertising a few years ago and completely abandoned all my SEO businesses. One of them was called TheLeadingArticles and you can find it here: Article & Video Marketing Have NEVER Been Easier! « TheLeadingArticles I had started this...
  7. Vita Vee

    Here's Exactly How I Start ALL My Profitable Campaigns

    For the videos you can check our resource page here on AffiliateFix The videos were recorded with an old version of FunnelFlux, which was already great :) but the UI is much better now with tons of new features.
  8. Vita Vee

    Getting leads from GetResponse and passing their name and other data to your pages with FunnelFlux

    Thanks! That was essentially what I was going to say :) Keep your bounce + complaint rates low and you're good to go. I'm using this setup for several years for affiliate marketing and never had an issue.
  9. Vita Vee

    Breaking Exit Popups From Pages You Do NOT Own

    ...-> Here is what happens: Click HERE and close the page No more exit popup! You can now direct link to this offer. You could also rewrite *any* content on the vendor's page that you think may put your account at risk, all this by using our "Fluxify Redirect" option. Here's a quick...
  10. Vita Vee

    Getting leads from GetResponse and passing their name and other data to your pages with FunnelFlux

    I used GetResponse in this tutorial only because of customers requests. Personally, I am using MyMail coupled with Amazon SES for the delivery.
  11. Vita Vee

    Getting leads from GetResponse and passing their name and other data to your pages with FunnelFlux

    In this short tutorial, we are going to see how to collect leads and pass their data to your landers and offers within the same FunnelFlux funnel. We will illustrate this with the funnel below, where we want to display the name and email address of a subscriber, when he reaches the thank you...
  12. Vita Vee

    Announcement FunnelFlux New Awesome Features - version 1.5140

    It's written in php with some modules in C - the source code is encoded though, but you don't really need to hack the code because we have PHP and Javascript nodes that you can natively place anywhere in your funnels. Check this thread to see how I used this to redirect visitors based on their...
  13. Vita Vee

    Announcement FunnelFlux New Awesome Features - version 1.5140

    Hi BWeed, Yes, we have plans to release a cloud version in the not so distant future. For the database, by default we use MaxMind's free one as we can embed it with the application. It's possible to overwrite it with the paid version for better accuracy (99.8% accuracy for the countries) That...
  14. Vita Vee

    Announcement FunnelFlux New Awesome Features - version 1.5140

    ...everyone, We have pushed a new version today that brings some great new features, I'm sure you will love them. The 4 most important ones being: * Stats QuickViews * Conversion Paths * An improved statistical significance calculator * Multivariate Testing Let's have a quick look at each of...
  15. Vita Vee

    TUTORIAL: Clickbank postback to ANY tracker

    Hey Tony, I'm not sure, it depends on what you're trying to achieve exactly. Best would be to list the exact features you need, and I'll tell you if we have that or not :) Yeah definitely, I'm using it myself both as a vendor and as an affiliate. FunnelFlux sales are tracked by FunnelFlux...
  16. Vita Vee

    Announcement 1 Year Anniversary of Funnelflux: Review and Special Offer!

    This offer is coming to an end. Within the next 2 or 3 days, it will be taken down without any further notice. The trial will also disappear. If you're even just slightly interested in FunnelFlux, jump on it now while this offer is still available. We have many great features coming up, like...
  17. Vita Vee

    Redirecting Visitors Based on Local Weather - Here's How To!

    Want to redirect your visitors to different landers/offers based on their local weather? Ha! Not sure if there's a real need for this, but I thought it was a good test to see if FunnelFlux was flexible enough So here's how you can do this thanks to FunnelFlux PHP nodes and its integrated...
  18. Vita Vee

    TUTORIAL: Clickbank postback to ANY tracker

    This script won't work for your own offer. As a vendor, you cannot use the tid parameter for tracking purposes. However, you can use another parameter called vtid, that does pretty much the same thing (but is displayed in another section inside Clickbank's stats) As a vendor, you don't really...
  19. Vita Vee

    Here's Exactly How I Start ALL My Profitable Campaigns

    Man, I'm not drinking this :) Sorry, I don't want to personally attack you, first I don't know you, secondly I'm sure you're a nice person and thirdly, I respect Alex + AdsBridge is indeed a great tool. But com'on... what you just did in this thread is not cool at all. If you check my previous...
  20. Vita Vee

    Here's Exactly How I Start ALL My Profitable Campaigns

    I'll try to do that when I manage to get a bit more time as we're currently preparing some huge updates on FunnelFlux. Thanks, I just posted that 1 year anniversary thread :) Quick question @ZJKN: Are you working for Adsbridge under cover? I ask because you have written 12 posts so far and...