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  1. WishBone

    The Dojo Questions and Answers.

    Well I guess if you make thousands a month, this one time payment won't be a problem at all. Congrats K!
  2. WishBone

    Suggest a name for the new VIP membership and forum!

    Looks like you went with The Dojo. Do I get something speshul for it? kidding! :p
  3. WishBone

    Jello from Philippines!

    Whats up pare! How did you find CPAFix?
  4. WishBone

    AdWork Media

    I've seen that before and totally ignored it. Thanks for pointing it out.
  5. WishBone

    AdWork Media

    So you're saying I can stop losing traffic and turn off the adblock block thing? Cool. Thanks for the info!
  6. WishBone

    AdWork Media

    A lot of people seem to comment negatively about the fact that AWM blocks those who have AdBlock on. Almost all reviews I found on various forums were positive but they always say, you'll lose money because of the AdBlock thing. I kind of agree since there are millions that use the extension.
  7. WishBone

    Gold An AM's Greatest Hits (Just for laughs)

    Kinky. =P 3 more months and you're gonna be a father!
  8. WishBone

    We just hit 5000 members!

    Keep in feeding us with good content and we'll keep inviting people over. Great work K! This is definitely one for the books.
  9. WishBone

    Need help with email marketing and CPA

    We have an email section. Email Think as if you were receiving the emails yourself. When would you think you'd be convinced to take an offer? When does the deal become too sweet to pass on? Questions like that.
  10. WishBone

    Hurricane Sandy - My Long Island House Flooded - *Pictures*

    I heard around 50 people perished in this storm. May their souls rest in peace. Hoping everybody recovers from the damage this storm has dealt.
  11. WishBone

    Every 1000 poster will get an EWA Network account!

    Another post from me. Wazaaaa!!!
  12. WishBone

    Luke gets first Super Mod spot!

    As he should. Luke is more than capable for this position. Now we have another trusted hand to manage the forum. Congrats Luke! EDIT: It's quite odd that the Super Mod has a full inbox though. =P
  13. WishBone

    Hurricane Sandy - My Long Island House Flooded - *Pictures*

    Hoping nobody else gets hurt during this storm. Stay safe bro!
  14. WishBone

    What do you want to see in the Black Edition?

    I'd like to see more exclusive methods of promotion. Trying to get your niche out there seems to be the hardest part in my experience.
  15. WishBone

    What would you do if your product got leaked?

    Yea I guess threatening would work. Unless they find out where I'm from. Love your blog Jay. I got one of my emails subscribed to you.
  16. WishBone

    CPAFix clothing!

    Get me one of that man! XXL!
  17. WishBone

    What networks do you use?

    AdWork media. It's easy to get into and they allow the niches that I do. I would like to get into a private network once I can find a good method or niche that meets their standards. For now, I have no plans in leaving AWM.
  18. WishBone

    Hello ALL Of CPAFix Warrior

    Welcome to CPAFix. What's up with the warriors though? We're ninjas. =P I recommend newbie411 if you're new to IM. It's great stuff.
  19. WishBone

    Hey CPA Fix!

    Hey Rock! So you quit the movies and wrestling to be with us. Such an honor. Welcome to CPAFix! Best IM forum you'll ever join.