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  1. A

    How can I bring leads (email addres) for a dating platform

    Indeed, it is, a large part of the traffic received for example last week is garbage. From $ 80 I didn't have any sign-ups. I am looking for an affiliate to generate email leads, here the conversions are the best
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    How can I bring leads (email addres) for a dating platform

    Hi Graybeard, thanks for the reply. I tried on some platforms that sell traffic (CPM and CPC, very well known platforms in the field), but the results are poor. SEO is underway, but at the moment it doesn't bring me anything. Play wack-a-mole games I have not heard. Can you give me more details...
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    How can I bring leads (email addres) for a dating platform

    Hi T J Tutor, thanks for the reply. All the 3 options listed by you interest me. I own a dating platform and I try to bring traffic to it. I tried on some platforms that sell traffic (CPM and CPC, very well known platforms in the field), but the results are poor. I read that the best conversion...
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    How can I bring leads (email addres) for a dating platform

    How can I bring leads (email addres) for a dating platform, from Italy, France, Spain. Can anyone help me with some advice or a method?