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  1. N

    411 on first step?

    Hi Resgal There are some really useful threads in the newbie part of this forum that could help clarify your concerns. Admittedly, when one first finds out about affiliate marketing, the amount of information can be overwhelming. But it really is about focussing on the basics and getting them...
  2. N

    First post: first dumb question

    Welcome to the forums. Beyond signatures, loads of good things going on here
  3. N

    Is there an ideal keyword density for an article

    I tend to just write articles. The keyword density thing is to my mind not the most important SEO factor. I think if you write naturally and stay on topic then keyword density will be just right every time
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    A Forum or a Blog?

    Too Broad it really depends on what niche you are in and how active your content generation is. In a really good forum, you get a lot of threads that rank well in the search engines. Probably because the forums have a heavy weight of content behind them I honestly think that the focus when...
  5. N

    Yet another guy from the UK

    Hi Brandon. I am based in the UK as well and have been a member of this forum for a while now Great forum. Loads of useful tips here Shame about the change in the weather this last week. It's Brrrrr! See you around
  6. N

    I need a mentor! Please help!

    I do apologize. You have shared so many pearls of wisdom here is why I suggested you Apologies and good luck with your wrist
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    Closing the Myths

    On the backlinks thing, I am finding that on site optimization seems to be making a difference to my rankings. It may just be a fluke but it's worth looking into.
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    How to make my site successful

    I think to successfully work as an affiliate in the make money online niche, you probably need to know how to make money online. I am not talking about the stuff that gets tossed around but about making a real income. Why not work in another niche first, see what the things are that help you...
  9. N

    I need a mentor! Please help!

    Welcome to the forum You have got the makings of a great mentor in Linda. Why not send her a PM Nothing ventured... In the meantime, look around the forum. There is a wealth of free information here
  10. N

    New life- new website

    Happy, first welcome to a great new business Regarding where you can find affiliate programs, because you are into a wide variety of things I'd suggest commission junction Good luck and oh consider doing some article marketing as well. Worked for me
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    The ready, shoot, aim approach

    Did something similar a few years ago. Not the thread bit but the jumping in bit. Now it's my best performing website. Not doing so well in the search engines but getting a few thousand visitors a day. A lot to be said about following your passion :)
  12. N

    Why 95% of Marketers Fail - to Make money Online?

    I don't know where the 95% statistic came from but we all seem to have latched on to it The simple answer to why people fail at affiliate marketing or adsense or whatever else it is they are doing online is this. They fail to recognize that this is a real business and thus do not treat it as...
  13. N

    Best to put blog on the homepage?

    Ted, It seems that you have installed your blog in the root of your domain. At least that's the impression I get from your question. If you want a static homepage and the blog to be in another oart of the website e,g, blog, then you should install your blog [I am presuming your are using...
  14. N

    Affiliates: How to Blog Like a Super Star and Make the Big Bucks

    Ted, if it takes a long post to get the message across then so be it. I would suuggest that if you think the posts are getting long, break it up with images and graphs. What's that saying about a picture and a thousand words? :)
  15. N

    First steps

    Joining an established affiliate network would be a good start. Somewhere like Kolimbo or Commission junction Because these networks are already established a lot of affiliate marketers go there looking for oroducts to promote. And the travel niche is a very popular one Also make sure that...
  16. N

    How to Bounce Back after a Failed Affiliate Marketing Campaign

    Thanks Linda. We all have our fair share of duds. You know, you think the product is great and probably use it yourself, you write a persuasive shpill about it, do some really inspired adwords ads and nothing. It often is nothing to do with the product or your campaign or whatever. It's just...
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    College educated vs None

    I will not tip toe around this question. The real answer is you can either focus on what disadvantages not having a college education confers on you or you can focus on how to build your business and make it work. There are a lot of examples of people without a college education who have...
  18. N

    Does anybody know of a reliable paid traffic source?

    You are ignoring possibly one of your greatest resources by ignoring free traffic methods. Search engine optimization for example is probably the best source of traffic that converts.
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    Step By Step In Affiliate Marketing

    A to Z of affiliate marketing. In one download! I don't think so. Affiliate marketing is really broad and has a lot of different aspects. You should look through the newbie forum as Laura suggested to get the basics. Then I think you may have to do searches on line, google is a font of...
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    Cookie-Stuffing Affiliate Fraudster Facing 5 Years Jail + 250K Fine

    It's people like this that put the business into disrepute