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  1. R

    Need traffic ? Get this FREE Report

    FREE Report tells you how to increase traffic to your site for FREE Find out the best ways to get traffic, just read this free report Get it NOW Squeeze Page
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    Article Rewriting Software

    If you want both speed and quality, just by Dragon Speech recognition and you can rewrite articles in 5 or 10 minutes
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    What to write each article on?

    If you have dog training blog, you need it to be in a smaller niche than 'dog training' I am not a dog expert, but take a breed or something else with less competition But you need to be a dog expert, then you can write lots of articles pertaining to that niche Writing 'general' articles is a...
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    Article traffic Issues

    I have articles on Ezine Articles with over 1,000 views It is not easy, but your article must have a stand out title and the contents should be on subject, informative and give the reader what he wants Try to end your paragraphs with a question, that gets them to keep on reading Don't...
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    Auto Blogs Article Directory all FS cheap

    I looked up several to see the domain and they all came back 'Page not found' Can you fix this and give us the domain names - they are important
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    What to look for in clickbank

    When I use Clickbank, I always avoid those sites offering 75% commission. Stick to those offering 40 or 50% The higher percentage guys are often desperate for sales, indicating that their productt is not a good seller
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    Free Traffic

    Firstly, you have it right - Free Traffic - don't ever go out and buy any Just because you have a site don't expect traffic to come running. You have to work for it You need to build as many links to your site as you can A great way is to write good on subject articles of 300-500 words and...
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    100 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

    Even better, why not write 10 articles. One for each disaster
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    100 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

    It realy is a matter of try and see Something like linking will work for all niches, but every niche is different. I have nothing in this niche so I cant compare I suggest you selct one that looks good for you and try it out If it fails, try try again. For every winner expect...
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    100 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Website

    Thats a really great article I have tried many ways of getting traffic, some successful and some not so successful, but to get a comprehensive list like this is worth it's weight in gold Thanks a lot
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    I?m a beginner, need some help!

    Get all the free info you can find here. Decide on the type of thing you want to do and take action The biggest problem newbies have is that they buy too many ebooks, read too much and take no action Try something out, if it does not work, try again. If it does work, do it again
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    Have a Hub page and get more traffic to your site

    Hub pages get you links and bring you traffic Google loves them, so get one now while they are on Sale A Professional Hub page for only $15 PM me to buy or for examples
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    A newb friendly affiliate program?

    CB certainly has the better payouts, but many of their products are everywhere so competition is high, but find yourself a smaller niche and you con do well I always stick to offers that give you 50% or less. They tend to be better sellers than the 75% guys - they are desperate so they give...
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    Squidoo/Blogger/Hubpages Landing pages - which one ranks better?

    I prefer Squidoo. It may have the toughest rules, but it certainly ranks higher with Google I use Hub Pages as well as a good second choice, but I have to say that I think Blogger is a waste of time
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    Wealthy Affiliate?

    I joined Wealthy Affiliate and peronally found it a complete waste of time There are muich better programs out there !
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    Ezine Articles is way out in front the best, you see its articles everywhere on Google's first page The others dont even come second
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    I?m a beginner, need some help!

    Starting off is difficult, but you can make a lot of money online Look ariound the forum, find some good advice and take action. If you spend all your time and money on eBooks, you will never get anywhere It is Action that counts, but never think it is easy
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    A Forum or a Blog?

    I would agree, a Forum is really a lot of work, while a Blog is fun ! No contest
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    Ways to find hot niches?? Clickbank and?

    I agree you should not be looiking on CB Start off with thinking of things you know and like. You may be a gardener - that is a good niche. Then narrow it down - you may be a flower gardener etc. Then look in Adwords Keywords tool and see what keywords are available and how many...
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    Work For Yourself? This Is A MUST READ!

    Great article. Embodies the pricincipals of working from home very well. There is one thing I would add It does not stress enough the fact that it is is hard wokl from the beginning and it takes a long time to get into real profints. But when you do..........