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  1. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    have really dark band on fb. Did not ever think, that such problems can be, when campaign is profitable. :eek: While i am working on new accounts and new good ads regarding to FB policy, i thought i can bring new clients from mobile banners. Trying to get leads with mmedia and decisive. My...
  2. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    Sorry for such big pause. After having bad results with mobile traffic, i decided to return to desktop traffic, where i had some results. So in september i was making about 100$ per day in FB/VK and some social posts. This month i had even better results, until FB banned my acc :) Here is...
  3. oleg2014

    How to get more FB traffic?

    Thank you guys! Will try most of your ideas. Anyway, FB banned my acc yesterday, because moderators think, text like: Earn $150 per day with... is unreal :( Created new acc, but after 10 hours, still no impressions. o_O
  4. oleg2014

    How to get more FB traffic?

    Hi! Here is my case: GEO: Turkey, Targetting settings: 1.1mln people Bidding system - auto, bid per click, ~ 0.6$ / 1000 views (optimized CPM) CTR: 1-2% Ad type: right column and newsfeed. Results: I reach about 8k people per day, with such settings. I think CTR i good. How can i get more...
  5. oleg2014

    Good GeoIP for mobile

    Hi! Does anyone use something like this: MaxMind - Web Services to get users City? Also i have read about this Geolocation API Specification but as i know, it needs user permission to get location. What are you using?
  6. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    The same issue in PlugRush - event with direct link We do not allow "anti-virus" campaigns
  7. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    After sending a few emails to DNTX got answer - Your account has not been authorized. Checking your proposed campaigns, we do not allow any "scareware" ads. LP is created "by design" of CMA, like in his case study. So, i think, i should try utility app landings there
  8. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    cashmoneyaffiliate - now i am trying airpush. Sorry for no updates. Was optimizing LP for VT offer. My best result -10% ROI on ZP. Saw interesting bids in DNTX, trying to start my campaign there, but it looks like it will be much longer then on ZP because of manual start of campaign by admins.
  9. oleg2014

    FB Ads+CPA Case Study (Very Small)

    Make at least 5 different ads and test them with CPC model. $0.57/click its very expencive! Try different targeting and GEO if posible. There are a lot of good videos on YouTube, i am sure you will find good ideas there: facebook cpa - YouTube P.S. Are you targeting female too?
  10. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    Guys, could you please recommend me good PPC traffic sources for Austria? I know only BuzzCity, Airpush and Mmedia. But i am not sure they are good in Europe. I saw huge payouts in AU and decided to try some campaign there..
  11. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    Its a VT. My bid in ZP was 0.016, i think its very high, right? Try to get some traffic on 0.009 Today added one more LP variant with ROI - 30% =) BuzzCity gives me about 100 clicks per day :(
  12. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    Update For this week i tested Costa Rica CPI offer, proceeded AR antivirus and optimizing VT antivirus now. Got 30 conversions with ZeroPark with ROI -65%. Continue to tune landing. Also was suprised by BuzzCity, banner ads to direct link gives -20% roi (<10 conversions per day). Thank you...
  13. oleg2014

    ZeroPark and Voluum conversion tracking

    You are right! I was trying to make cid transferring by myself, i forgot thet voluum transfers it in cookie, so all i should do - use url from voluum in my lp!
  14. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    servandosilva, thank you for support =) Voluum - Offer setup: Voluum - Campaign setup: There two enabled LPs, could not capture all screen. YeahMobi - Postback: LP - navigation url <script type="text/javascript"> function navigate() { window.location =...
  15. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    Small update Had technical difficulties with ZeroPark {cid} => LP (this topic ZeroPark and Voluum conversion tracking). Thats why got 7 leads on weekend (about 600 clicks) in CPI offer but do not know their {cid} and domain =( Eventually decided to skip voluum for this offer (as i can only...
  16. oleg2014

    ZeroPark and Voluum conversion tracking

    gravemind, thank you for help. First of all, i need clickcode in LP because i want to know will current user give me conversion or not. Not sure i am doing it right, but i think it should work like this: 1. Got {cid} from traffic source 2. Voluum added a lot of info related to this {cid} 3. LP...
  17. oleg2014

    ZeroPark and Voluum conversion tracking

    Yes, here is how: window.location = "http:myfullurl.with.referal&aff_sub=" + getURLParameter("clickcode"). function getUrlParameter(name) { return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20'))||null} } Just...
  18. oleg2014

    ZeroPark and Voluum conversion tracking

    Have troubles with conversion tracking in ZeroPark and Voluum. Unfortunatelly support can't help me and sends me from ZP to Voluum support few times in a row :( Anyway, this traffic source is very good and Voluum is best tracker i ever saw. Maybe anybody can help me with this problem? So i have...
  19. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    You mean - to create new campaign per every LP (and angle) and launch them in parallel?
  20. oleg2014

    Per aspera ad astra

    Yesterday went to bed after changing links in ZP (moderation started), today saw -30$ but + 5 conversions. BTW enabling wifi traffic for this offer was really bad idea (in my second campaign) - 10$, no conversions. Got some troubles with {clickcode} transfering, so do not know data about...