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  1. TrafficYoda

    Ask Me Anything Full-Time Super Affiliate (Money, Cars, Women, Booze) - Ask me anything :)

    What type of offer would you suggest will work in today's world situation
  2. TrafficYoda

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    Hello, After years of doing AM I learned that there is no such thing as passive income, campaigns always die because either offer dies or traffic source traffic fluctuate or quality dies. So it's like a rat and cat games on how fast u can find a working offer with source u chose before ad...
  3. TrafficYoda

    Ask Me Anything Full-Time Super Affiliate (Money, Cars, Women, Booze) - Ask me anything :)

    I have a ZA campaign, never made break even with EvaDav, but easily green with MobideaPush with same campaign settings. While another offer from another network, it converts with EvaDav, but not with MobideaPush Is this always the case? How do you overcome this? How do you know which offer...
  4. TrafficYoda

    How to Match Offer with Traffic Source???

    Let me give u an example, I had an experience where with offer 1,2 click offer type mobile content Traffic Source A Worked well with Offer source A It worked so well for a few months and suddenly it doesn't, test a lot of offers and different geo on offer source A but couldn't find it till I...
  5. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    New campaign! Started a new campaign First few days gonna focus on buying traffic to find the BEST offer + creatives (also collecting os/region/browser data as well) As always Good offer works even with a crappy funnel, bad offer no matter how perfect the funnel is wouldn't convert. For...
  6. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    January Result -it's been a bad month, nothing seems to be working did testing prelander/landing page/images everything except offer as adcombo had only one offer for this geo there was no offers i could test and i am no big fish yet to diverse the income throughout networks, can't afford to...
  7. TrafficYoda

    Gold AWESOME case study! Meet MGID or how not to eat shit.

    This is an old post i'm not sure if @Anastasia AdCombo will answer but anyone with more experience with MGID please answer. What does it mean "To tell the truth – you’ll start shitting bricks before CTR climbs to the good values. Seriously, this is spadework, because usually good CTR is...
  8. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    This month the campaign died. i don't know why but suddenly chrome stop converting... tried testing prelander/lander/image but nothing worked... i think the only offer available in the geo was no longer working or burnt out. had to pause it. gonna start a new geo soon, see if i can make a...
  9. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    doing a lot of testing this month will report it nicely in a format soon
  10. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    Thanks for the information Thanks!
  11. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    thanks! but i still need to crack this i need better and stronger funnels and collect some cash to move to another geo
  12. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    thanks i added the links
  13. TrafficYoda

    COD Journey

    Hello everyone! I'm gonna start a journey I started way back, I'm doing this because I really want to get myself more organized and hear various of advice from people all over the globe with various experiences. What I'm doing..... A lot what I'm doing will be made confidential hope u guys...
  14. TrafficYoda

    Ask Me Anything Digital Advertising Overview: Thailand (by MGID)

    can u fix the img on this post?
  15. TrafficYoda

    Account Banned

    @MaxBountyAdam @MaxBountyJoe Can you help?
  16. TrafficYoda

    What is a “Good” CTR Rate?

    Interesting read High CTR is good but yeah i noticed high ctr =lower performance on some creatives. I thought it was my text but it' BOT LOL
  17. TrafficYoda

    using bemob flow slows down the loading?

    okay guys thanks i'll take a look ssh servers got it ;) One more thing is connecting domain to cloudflare makes my ebsites on cdn?
  18. TrafficYoda

    using bemob flow slows down the loading?

    you talk alien. lol So vps server to point images? i'm already using a dedicated server as hosting. vultr, have you heard of it? i know it's dedicated server. is this what u talkinga bout?
  19. TrafficYoda

    using bemob flow slows down the loading?

    I don't think i am not really skilled to know-how. is there any free cdn to use? i already used amazon free trial. okay will use that site for referrance. currently using Vultr, and i store all files there using cloudflare to make my domain https. i'm not sure how to file it up on cloudflare...
  20. TrafficYoda

    using bemob flow slows down the loading?

    where would be the best place to test website speed?