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  1. AF-Roger

    I'm VadoZE)

    Read the threads, study, learn, and by all means ask questions when you need to.
  2. AF-Roger


    Welcome! Glad you joined us
  3. AF-Roger

    hello everyone

    Hello! Glad to have you with us.
  4. AF-Roger


    Welcome. Glad you joined us.
  5. AF-Roger

    Hello everybody

    Hello! $10 a month is a start. Some people never make that.
  6. AF-Roger

    Zac Johnson is at EntrepreneurFix this week only taking your questions.

    Zac Johnson is here this week only taking your questions. | Entrepreneur Forum | EntrepreneurFix Have any questions about business you want answered? Now it the time to do it.
  7. AF-Roger

    Hello New Member Here

    Glad to have you wish us!
  8. AF-Roger

    NEW: Forums and Arrangement.

    Outstanding additions. I especially like the managing affiliate program and network.
  9. AF-Roger

    Man feared frozen to death makes "miracle" recovery

    "We knew we needed a big, big miracle." Those words from Pennsylvania mom Sissy Smith suggest just how grim the prospects seemed for her 26-year-old son, Justin, who was found unconscious and frozen after a night out in subzero temperatures last winter. Somehow they got that miracle -- and...
  10. AF-Roger

    Man feared frozen to death makes "miracle" recovery

    "We knew we needed a big, big miracle." Those words from Pennsylvania mom Sissy Smith suggest just how grim the prospects seemed for her 26-year-old son, Justin, who was found unconscious and frozen after a night out in subzero temperatures last winter. Somehow they got that miracle -- and...
  11. AF-Roger

    Google's new algorithm will make Chrome run much faster

    Chrome is about to load web pages a lot faster than you've experienced up until now. Thanks to a new compression algorithm called Brotli, which Google introduced last September, Chrome will be able to compress data up to 26 percent more than its existing compression engine, Zopfli, which is an...
  12. AF-Roger

    Google's new algorithm will make Chrome run much faster

    Chrome is about to load web pages a lot faster than you've experienced up until now. Thanks to a new compression algorithm called Brotli, which Google introduced last September, Chrome will be able to compress data up to 26 percent more than its existing compression engine, Zopfli, which is an...
  13. AF-Roger

    Ninth Planet May Exist in Solar System Beyond Pluto, Scientists Report

    There might be a ninth planet in the solar system after all — and it is notPluto. Two astronomers reported on Wednesday that they had compelling signs of something bigger and farther away — something that would definitely satisfy the current definition of a planet, where Pluto falls short. “We...
  14. AF-Roger

    Ninth Planet May Exist in Solar System Beyond Pluto, Scientists Report

    There might be a ninth planet in the solar system after all — and it is notPluto. Two astronomers reported on Wednesday that they had compelling signs of something bigger and farther away — something that would definitely satisfy the current definition of a planet, where Pluto falls short. “We...
  15. AF-Roger

    Zac Johnson is at EntrepreneurFix this week...

    Zac Johnson is at EntrepreneurFix this week.
  16. AF-Roger

    Zac Johnson is at EntrepreneurFix this week...

    Zac Johnson is at EntrepreneurFix this week.
  17. AF-Roger

    Have questions you want answered about business...

    Have questions you want answered about business?
  18. AF-Roger

    Managed Services

    Tell us about you the individual. Why not post your service in our resource section? Resources | Webmaster Forum | WebsiteFix
  19. AF-Roger

    Internet Marketing Expert

    Welcome Pankaj Gupta What type of marketing are you involved with?
  20. AF-Roger

    Glenn Frey Eagles Guitarist Dead At 67

    He will be missed. That day was weird! We had three rock musicians die on the same day!