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  1. Granifyn

    What is Network Marketing?

    Network marketing is a business model that depends on person-to-person sales by independent representatives, often working from home. A network marketing business may require you to build a network of business partners or salespeople to assist with lead generation and closing sales. There are...
  2. Granifyn

    What photo editor do you use?

    My friend told me that he uses plenty of photo editors and video editors as well. He is considered to be a copywriter but sometimes he designs plenty of this for those people who make orders. In my opinion, people have to use only those tools which really make them feel comfortable. Sometimes...
  3. Granifyn

    What's the best Wordpress separator?

    If you would like to separate two blocks of content by a line, the Separator block is what you are looking for. In order to add a separator block, click on the Block Inserter icon. You can also type /separator and hit enter in a new paragraph block to add one quickly. I always use the separator...
  4. Granifyn

    2022 First Affiliate Journey in SEO

    Good luck to you. That looks amazing. I wish you a lot of success.
  5. Granifyn


    Plagiarism is considered to be something that scare plenty of people when they see your post or your articles. People of course sometimes can't see plagiarisms, nevertheless It's pretty easy to detect plagiarisms in article, when you are experience in this field. I believe that copywriters and...
  6. Granifyn

    What is The best Books for Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship??

    You have to understand that there are no books for development of entrepreneurship in yourself. Actually, everything that is proposed to us, like it would help to understand what is business and how can you become millionaire due to your own businesses are just marketing and advertisement. They...
  7. Granifyn

    HY affiliates - forex related program. Any reviews or comments?

    The thing is that people regret what they didn't do much more often compared to regretting on what they've done. Looks like your point on cryptos is VERY clear and you'r not gonna have a single regret if the same table will be topped up with BTC's or Ether's ratio in 50 years. Yet, let's admit...
  8. Granifyn

    HY affiliates - forex related program. Any reviews or comments?

    Let me know if I'm mistaken, yet, I remember you've had doubts about volatility being friendly to traders and, most importantly, investors? I can understand doubling on wealth managent firm. Afterall, overall market retracement is yet another opportunity to add more to investment basket. Every...
  9. Granifyn

    HY affiliates - forex related program. Any reviews or comments?

    I know it sounds a bit weird. The funny thing is that I do believe they can. I didn't know much about trading as I said, but I learnt and it was fun. I opened account myself with the broker to seehow it works in real life. I didn't become a millionaire trading myslef, but neigther I lost any...
  10. Granifyn

    HY affiliates - forex related program. Any reviews or comments?

    I didn't say that :) I only said that markets change FAST. After Bitcoin tested the previous peak from example above, it dropped deep. Really deep. However, the mid-term prediciton was 100% correct. It really was uptrending. After the nearest prediction comes true that's important to 'fix the...
  11. Granifyn

    HY affiliates - forex related program. Any reviews or comments?

    Sounds a bit like a creepy idea, sorry man. I didn't know barely anything about trading two years ago. Marketing for HY affiliates was the only reason I even strated thinking about markets, charts and that kind of stuff. That really is fascinating and at the moment, as you see, that's not that...
  12. Granifyn

    HY affiliates - forex related program. Any reviews or comments?

    Your suggestions can be confirmed by a simple chart setup (see below) based on technical analysis. The daily chart lacks momentum to continue the uptrend as the ADX and DI indicator has a declining mainline. However, Ichimoku’s leading span has a robust bullish surplus, while the bears fail to...
  13. Granifyn

    Whats more important web design or SEO?

    I believe that both of them are equally important. If you have a nice looking website but it doesn't have any seo propmotion, then nobody will know about it and nobody will see it. On the contrary, if your website has a good seo but it looks ugly, nobody will derive pleasure from using and...
  14. Granifyn

    What is The best Books for Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship??

    I think that every entrepreneur should start with learning personal finance. I can recommend the book which is called The Richest Man In Babylon. It is very useful to understand how to spend less than you earn and control your cashflow. This skill is a must for every businessman.
  15. Granifyn

    11 headline formulas to boost conversions

    Actually, boosting conversions is the most difficult task for every marketer. Even if you are a successful marketer and you can be considered as a professional in this field, it always a bit difficult for you to tihnk about new ways to boost sales. In my opinion, all of the methoda which are...
  16. Granifyn

    Ideas for Passive Income With Little Daily Efforts

    There are lots of ideas for passive income actually. In my honest opinion, the best way here are investments. Moreover, I don't talk about daily trading, because it's not about making passive income, it's more abour real work. However, investments are good option for passive income I guess. The...
  17. Granifyn

    Trying to reach $100day profit

    I suppose it's not so difficult to reach 100$ day profit, in case you know which way to use in order to gain such amount of money. In case you don't know how to earn such amount of money per day then you have to start from lower sum I guess. Of course, it's cool that you can set such a goal for...
  18. Granifyn

    Keeping old customers in the store

    One of the easiest ways is to make some loyalty programs which will make the old customers return. However, maybe the most reliable and the hardest ways is to make outstanding customer service. So, the clients will like not only your products which can quite ordinary ones, but they will also...
  19. Granifyn

    8 common mistakes when starting a business

    You perfectly described the main mistakes. I just want to add that the main mistake in business are fake hopes. When peopl hear the word business they unconsciously associate it with big sums of money. However, they often don't understand that business is also a big responsibility. You have to...
  20. Granifyn

    How do you spend your time during pandemic?

    To my mind the best way to spend your time uring a pandemic is to start learning something new. Actually this rule shouldn't work only during lockdown, however lots of people are too busy to dedicate their time to learning, it's just a state of mind. So, it's the best way mostly because you have...