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  1. M

    Seeking Help What Push ad network

    So long story short, dont run push ads? ON one side people are saying that push is completely clear from bots On another side people saying that there are a lot of bots How is that?
  2. M

    Seeking Help What Push ad network

    Hello, Im wondering what push ad network choose in order to not work with this common tactics like, sweepstakes, dating, or gambling offers but in case of working with this other side like weight loss, finance, hobby products, courses etc, I Hope you know what I mean Actually im working with...
  3. M

    Low quality push traffic

    W How do I stop buying low quality traffic? How to do that, higher bids or what? I was testing one landing page and one platform where I build this landing and I get access to see the preview page that user was before clicking my ad, and results was that with 0.008 cpc In FINANCE category 90%...
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    Low quality push traffic

    I was talking about 0% CTR on Landing page
  5. M

    Low quality push traffic

    Okay thank you really much guys!
  6. M

    Low quality push traffic

    Hello can anyone explain to me how the different bidding works in push ads? what's the different in quality beetwen 0.008$ cpc and lets say 0.02$ cpc and how to correctly test traffic and segment him? Im working with push ads on ezmob right now and I see that literally 0% of people clicking...
  7. M

    ezmob campaign dont work

    Hello guys, couple hours ago I launched push ad campaign on ezmob and she doesn't spent single penny. didn't even get any view, what can be wrong? anyone has some idea? I was contacting support to set optimal bid, and they recommended 0.006$ but now they are not responding
  8. M

    Building a chatbot that will earn everyday

    Which price plan did you use? At $300? only here are unlimited chats, in other price plans only a small number of chats Im looking for chatbots that will allow me to work with push ads, and thousound of started chats without investing 500-1000$ for start. In landbot after 1800 clicks I noticed...
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    Are my ads shit?

    Tak, faktycznie zarabia około 10% ROI But has really low CTR and campaign isn't spending all daily budget
  10. M

    Are my ads shit?

    Yes, in this case this is SOI and format of ad is normal push. What type of traffic then you will reccomend for beginners? And what should I focus on while making push ad Creative
  11. M

    Are my ads shit?

    Yes this is working a little bit, Creatives similar to this are getting average 1% CR. FOr push ads
  12. M

    Are my ads shit?

    It says: Hi, I saw you at work and I want...
  13. M

    Are my ads shit?

    To be honest, are my ads shit?
  14. M

    Seeking Help Campaign dont spend budget

    Okay Perfect thanks for answer
  15. M

    Seeking Help Campaign dont spend budget

    Hello i'm running couple campaigns on propellerads with CPC model. All of of them are spending only 30-40% of daily budget. What can be wrong ? I have really low CTR, around 0.2-0.3% maybe that's a problem? Thanks in advance
  16. M

    Network Wanted EzMob

    Hi! Where I can learn more about your ad network?
  17. M

    Network Wanted EzMob

    Perfect If you can I"ll be really greatfull
  18. M

    Network Wanted EzMob

    Hello, Is anyone working with EzMob advertising network and can share their experience with them? Thanks in advance
  19. M

    How to increase CTR push ads

    Perfect I really appreciate that One more thing. What angles would you recommend me promoting dating vertical?
  20. M

    How to increase CTR push ads

    Okay Thanks, but A lot of guys in case studies, are using CPM for dating to reduce cpc and still got awesome results. What's the point then? Is CPC has better quality or what ?