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  1. C

    Bad experience with The Performance Marketing Network - Account wrongly terminated

    Someone on Affpaying said in their review they had their TPMN account banned after the advertiser changed their terms for brand bidding. Before I promoted any offers, I contacted TPMN support to ask about brand bidding and they said...
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    Bad experience with The Performance Marketing Network - Account wrongly terminated

    I didn't use a landing page. I was direct linking. I read the offer terms on TPMN before promoting the offer and there was no mention that direct linking isn't allowed.
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    Bad experience with The Performance Marketing Network - Account wrongly terminated

    I had a look at my tracking. It shows that the sale came from the IP and the referrer domain is The main reason I wanted to dispute it is because from reading e-books, etc.. about CPA I've heard that getting banned from a CPA network can affect getting approved for other...
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    Bad experience with The Performance Marketing Network - Account wrongly terminated

    Does anyone know what's going on with The Performance Marketing Network? I recently had a sale with TPMN for a health offer. It was my first sale with this CPA network. Then on the same day, they sent me an email saying that my account has been terminated for fraud. They also said in the email...
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    Youtube shorts and affiliate marketing

    Recently, I've seen there are a lot of tutorials on Youtube about how to promote affiliate offers with Youtube shorts. However, reading the comments, no one has said they've made money with it. The problem seems to be that the majority of traffic for Youtube shorts comes from mobile and there...
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    Official CPA Evolution 3.0 by William Souza *****

    I watched the webinar. It was interesting and insightful. A question. When William promoted the gaming app install offer that he showed in the webinar, does anyone know if those results were based on direct linking or using a landing page?
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    Clickbank and Bing ads direct linking success

    Dave, A question about the CB product 'The Lost Book of Remedies'. It says on the affiliate page that they don't allow brand bidding on search networks. Does this mean they don't allow the product to be promoted with general keywords on search networks also or only not brand bidding? The first...
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    Clickbank - Account temporarily suspended from payment

    In Clickbank in the payment section, in the Status column it says 'SUSPEND' and near the bottom of the page it says 'Account temporarily suspended from payment.' I've emailed Clickbank support about this, but I was wondering if other people have also had this issue. I noticed that in the bank...
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    Non US Amazon Affiliates 25%+ Tax?

    @Graybeard. Thanks for the info. I read the information in the link you provided. Something I'm unclear on, in the W-8BEN what is supposed to be put for part 6) Foreign tax identifying number and part 7) Reference number(s). As it doesn't say if required as part 5 does which seems to indicate...
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    Non US Amazon Affiliates 25%+ Tax?

    I recently received a check from Amazon. The amount was about $1950, but there is an adjustment of $584 which is over 25% of the amount. It says that the adjustment represents Tax Withholding. Do non-US Amazon affiliates now have to pay over 25% tax on their earnings? I've not seen this...
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    Facebook Ads CPC?

    With FB ads, how do I set a campaign to CPC so I pay per click instead of per impressions? My campaign says 'Link clicks' which I think is the default bidding option. I've only had 1 click so far. It says the cost is $1.16 even though the cost was about $0.57 when I looked at the stats...
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    Refund from traffic provider?

    I joined Propeller Ads because I watched a video on YouTube where someone recommended to promote sweepstake offers. They showed examples of sweepstake offers with EPC's of about $0.42 saying you could get a good ROI promoting them. I later found out that those high EPC's for sweepstakes are from...
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    Refund from traffic provider?

    Is it Propeller Ads you want a refund from?
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    Refund from traffic provider?

    I recently deposited $200 with Propeller Ads. However, I want a refund because its not the type of traffic that I want to use. Has anyone had a refund from a traffic provider? I've read Propeller Ads terms. They say to email them with the reasons why you want a refund. I was wondering under...
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    Journey to $10.000/month with Adult & Health

    Interesting journey. Good to hear about your success so far. Which of the traffic sources you mentioned has given you the best ROI?
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    RevContent CTR & Conversion

    Is there a reason why you are promoting to iPhone only? I think conversion rates for Clickbank products are lower on mobile because people are less likely to watch a long sales video on their phone and then buy something.
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    From ZERO to 5 FIGURES from scratch with mobile cpa

    Thanks for the update in your journey. Its disappointing to hear that about sweepstake offers. I'm promoting sweepstakes on Propellerads with push notifications. If the visitor has to jump through loads of hoops and then confirm their email then it seems like an uphill struggle to get any...
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    Selling Traffic Push, Pops, and Native ads from RichAds!

    For promoting offers using push notification ads, do you direct link or use a landing page?
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    Official PropellerAds Multisource advertising platform

    Is anyone here running push notification campaigns on Propeller Ads? I have some questions. 1. For non US geos, what bid do you need to get a good volume of traffic? I bid about $0.03 but I'm not getting many clicks, only about 8 clicks a day. 2. Is it best to use CPC or CPM bidding? 3. How...