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  • Users: ogads
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  1. ogads

    Official OGAds

    BURST LIVE 41231 Fitbit to Apple Health Sync - [fitbit] - (iOS, INCENT, Free, US) | 60146 Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs - Keyword [guitar lessons] (iOS, US, CPI) | 60163 Scan QR Code Now - ('QR code scanner' iOS, US, CPI) | 60102 Vocab: Learn English Words - (iOS, US, CPI) |
  2. ogads

    Newbie here

    Welcome to the forums !
  3. ogads

    Recruiting affiliates on TikTok

    im sure a lot of smaller creators would love a free item and commission on sales. after you get a couple promoting your product you can then share the data with larger creators and say like hey user x promoted my product and did x amount in a week.
  4. ogads

    Anatomy of Anti-Fraud Systems: IP Blocks. Webinar Record.

    Thanks for the share I was looking for the upload will take a look!
  5. ogads

    What is a good bounce rate in email marketing?

    oh really? can you tell me a little more about the ai addons causing issues.
  6. ogads

    Why is Bitcoin Dropping?

    no one knows why. if we did we could have seen it coming and sold.
  7. ogads

    How can I encourage partners to promote my website?

    A good way would to be give commissions or a bonus to people who do x amount of sales.
  8. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Check out our new short video content. Quick videos packed with information.
  9. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Fetch CPI Burst This Week! 56631 Fetch - (iOS, Incent, US) | July 25 at 12AM ET
  10. ogads


    Welcome to the forums.
  11. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Podcast Burst! 57819 The High Life - CPC (iOS, INCENT, US) Very high cap today and tomorrow!
  12. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Fetch iOS Burst Live! 56631 Fetch - (iOS, Incent, US) | Ends May 31
  13. ogads

    Hello, new here but not in IM

    Welcome to the forums. What is your preferred traffic free or paid?
  14. ogads

    Official OGAds

    BURST ALERT 56673 The Jesus Podcast - CPC (iOS, INCENT, US) Live through April 30th!
  15. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Learn the basics of landing pages here at ogads. OGAds - How to Create a Landing Page in HTML
  16. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Big Bursts Scheduled for This Week! Gummy Drop KW iOS US | Apr 4-6 Evermerge KW iOS US | Apr 4-6
  17. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Podcast Burst Live for a Limited Time! 56184 Wiser Than Me - [comedy] - CPC (iOS, INCENT, US) | 56185 Wiser Than Me - [entertainment] - CPC (iOS, INCENT, US) |
  18. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Travel Town Burst! HUGE Cap Increases across ALL Travel Town Campaigns! Here for a limited time so use it while we got it!
  19. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Wondering what our top EPCs are for March?
  20. ogads

    Official OGAds

    Travel Town Burst! HUGE Cap Increases across ALL Travel Town Campaigns! Here for a limited time so use it while we got it!