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  1. VREpub

    Cheapest domain?

    I recommend Namesilo, too. You can use coupon code TRYNS1OFF for $1 off for new customer accounts.
  2. VREpub

    Cheapest domain?

    Maybe I am misunderstanding you but... You are never locked-in to or "stuck" with a particular registrar. If you register a domain at, say, Godaddy, for 3 years and 2 years later you decide you hate godaddy (very easy to do lol) and you want to move, you can move to any other domain registrar...
  3. VREpub

    Domain names and trademarks

    ok fair 'nuf thanks you.
  4. VREpub

    Cheapest domain?

    I wanted to clarify that all of the above registrars I mentioned are ICANN accredited, which is important. I also want to point out that you should not look at just initial prices. Look at the renewal price, too. For instance, a .CC domain from namecheap right now is only $5.99, but their...
  5. VREpub

    Domain names and trademarks

    Yah I know. Wayback isn't reliable in this case. Not to mention you used to be able to block Wayback Machine up until 2017. And whois info isn't either since the "created" date is the date the domain last changed hands. So if it was registered before the date it says by another person, then...
  6. VREpub

    Free alternative to KWfinder (com) ???

    I really like the tool, and need it, but right now $40/mo is a bit steep, especially considering they even limit you at that price. :eek: Any free alternative out there, even if not as good? To be clear, I'm not looking for just a keyword suggestion tool. KW finder is a lot more than just that.
  7. VREpub

    Domain names and trademarks

    Hey @T J Tutor, Can you point me somewhere to prove this? I don't actual disbelieve you. You see, I mentioned this on another forum (as fact) and there is an attorney there, a real smug bast@rd, who is on my ass claiming I'm making up lies just to get post counts lol. I can't find anything...
  8. VREpub

    What about all these new domains? .xyz etc.

    I don't know if this is true or not, but people say that if you use a domain that has a high spammer index, like .XYZ or .TOP, and you use an email address on that domain, your likelihood of your emails going to a spam folder are very high.
  9. VREpub

    Domain names and trademarks

    You also have to read read the affiliate terms in regards to typo domains. Many affiliate vendors prohibit the use of a typo domain to send traffic to your affiliate link.
  10. VREpub

    Domain names and trademarks

    Back in the older days of the internet, I wasn't very "up to snuff" to TM infringement. I regged a domain with a famous prescription drug name in it. Almost a year later, I received a certified letter from the company who makes that drug telling me that I had 72 hours from the receipt of the...
  11. VREpub

    What is a good way to rank my videos on YouTube?

    Clickbait titles and clickbait thumbnails are what all the successful youtubers use to attract attention. More views = higher rank.
  12. VREpub

    Looking for Local Rank & Rent Affiliate Programs

    I recently acquired 2 expired domains names that were formerly Rank & Rent sites and the domains have targeted traffic for that niche. I am looking for Local Rank & Rent products (ebooks, courses, paid membership sites. etc) that have affiliate programs so I can redirect my traffic to them and...
  13. VREpub

    My first $100

    What you are doing is affiliate link spamming groups and sending spam messages to FB users. Not only will you get your FB account banned eventually, but you might also get your MaxBounty account closed. If MaxBounty closes your account for spamming or any other contractual violations, you will...
  14. VREpub

    What about all these new domains? .xyz etc.

    Some TLDs have high spammer usage so it is believed that Google and other search engines tend to not favor them, but no one really knows. TLDs that are the cheapest usually have highest spammer usage (like .TOP) because spammers need hundreds or thousands of domains. So to keep costs down...
  15. VREpub

    Avatar problem

    My avatar is a PNG image file
  16. VREpub

    Which is the best domain reseller market Place?

    There's also Afternic.
  17. VREpub

    Cheapest domain?

    NameSilo NameCheap Dynadot All have free whois privacy, too.
  18. VREpub

    Avatar problem

    The forum keeps bugging me to upload an avatar. But when I do I'm told my avatar is over 50KB. But it's not, it's only 33KB and 234x300
  19. VREpub

    Domain names and trademarks

    You can't use a TM in your domain or even in a subdomain or URL. It's called TM infringement. Sure, you might get away with it, but you are still infringing on a TM. It's not worth using a TM in a domain that you are going to develop because if you get caught not only could it end up costing...
  20. VREpub

    Hi there

    Just got access to this forum. Looking forward to being active here.