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  1. joe_brax

    Budget test for native

    To be fair, the advertiser was really buttoned up. Slick advertorial landing page, celeb endorsement, fast checkout, great creatives, and a we will try/do anything to make it successful outlook. Our perfect client =)
  2. joe_brax

    What Native ads management tool are you using?

    Thanks TJ! We are offering a $1,000 cashback for any new Brax signups in June (that spend on Revcontent). Brax & Revcontent 2020 Promotion Gotta love free $. =)
  3. joe_brax

    Budget test for native

    Happy to offer some guidance, PM me, or email me directly at We just helped an advertiser go from $300 to $10,000/day in <30 days. It was quite a ramp up! You can read about it here:
  4. joe_brax

    can you email me at and we'll coordinate a call?

    can you email me at and we'll coordinate a call?
  5. joe_brax 2020-05-05

    Manage all your native ads from a single platform. Optimize, automate, and scale.
  6. joe_brax

    ex-LittleThings Owner here!

    Ah wow! I haven't spoken to Jon in years, didn't think WF would still be alive after all this time. Figured someone would have sued him into shutting down by now.
  7. joe_brax

    ex-LittleThings Owner here!

    Ha, I knew you would get it. Now to really go back, did you ever work with Azoogle/Epic?
  8. joe_brax

    ex-LittleThings Owner here!

    TJ, it was your post I came across on the web that got me here, so thanks, I never would have found this forum otherwise. I haven't been lurking affiliate forums since WickedFire back in the day. Does that date me too much??
  9. joe_brax

    ex-LittleThings Owner here!

    I applied earlier this morning =)
  10. joe_brax

    ex-LittleThings Owner here!

    Yup, I didn't solicit did I? Just intro'd myself to the board.
  11. joe_brax

    Official RUNative

    Lol, I'm speaking to RUNative. We are working on our roadmap for 2H 2020 and deciding what new native platforms to integrate with. If that's not ok, feel free to delete this.
  12. joe_brax

    Block bad widgets

    You can block for any criteria, but most do it on ROI/ROAS.
  13. joe_brax

    Intro blocked?

    Yup understood, just posted my intro, nothing promotional.
  14. joe_brax

    ex-LittleThings Owner here!

    Hi Guys, Joe here, I used to run, before FB crushed us and we had to sell it. I'd be happy to answer anyone's question around Facebook arb (we were doing $70m+/yr), or Native (I now own which manages around $100m/m). You can check out my background here...
  15. joe_brax

    Another Voice -- Native Ad Campaigns

    thanks, that is as good piece.
  16. joe_brax

    Native Whitelist & Blacklist Campaigns?

    I'd also setup automated rules to constantly add poor performers to your block/blacklist. That's been very helpful for advertisers when scaling and watching their ROI/ROAS closely.
  17. joe_brax

    Best verticals for native offers

    I'm seeing Temperature products (covid-related) crushing right now across the board.
  18. joe_brax

    Block bad widgets

    This is key to really scaling, as if you don't have a good block rule in place your results will suffer. I've found the advertisers who do the best here are the ones that setup automated block-rules. If/then statements to constantly weed out the poor performers that drag down solid campaigns.
  19. joe_brax

    Official RUNative

    Hi guys, you looking to integrate into more demand?
  20. joe_brax

    Intro blocked?

    Ah ok, yea i wanted to post an intro with links to previous companies, linkedin, etc.