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  1. ThemePals

    Advertising Policies, Prohibited Content and other DONT's

    Hey, @Dr. Forum! Thank You for your reply and sharing some ideas. You are absolutely right, IM is all about being flexible and creative.
  2. ThemePals

    Advertising Policies, Prohibited Content and other DONT's

    Hi there, affiliatefix members! I am quite new to affiliate marketing, however have some experience with AdWords, BingAds and FB advertising. So, those are my main traffic sources I would like to give a try with. The first thing I decided to check out is Advertising Policies and TOS for above...
  3. ThemePals

    Best VPS Service?

    Hetzner is doing great for me.
  4. ThemePals

    Hi there

    Hi there again! I'm 30+, live in Eastern Europe. Currently managing AdWords & Bing adult related search network campaigns with xxx daily budgets for US-based company as my full-time job. Have decent knowledge in SEO & SM marketing, some experience with website building. The problem here is...
  5. ThemePals

    Hi there

    Thank You guys for being so friendly and helpful. Will surely contact You if any questions. At least that CTA works as it should ;) I find myself here posting and replying ;)
  6. ThemePals

    Hi there

    Just wanted to drop a couple of words here to get rid of this annoying notification about full account activation by introducing myself. Peace.