Hi @sergiumajeri It depends on how you look at it. Offers in contentlockers adapt to the location of clients. At the same time, it should be remembered that different offers work in other locations. Smartlink is one offer in a given category, for example, the dating category, which combines a...
Thats really frustrating. Sometimes the networks ban based on traffic source as well. Some offers do not accept things like SEO traffic or sms type traffic. I don't agree with the ban with no explanation, there should be some clarity on the reasons , this was the first issue you had with them?
...with Ogads
seen this too may times over and over same song
Hey !
The #1 Content Locking Network
Easily monetize your website, blog, app, or social media accounts with OGAds profit generating contentlocker.
You did something they ARE in the content locking business...
Sounds like a password sharing deal (@_@) ...
Ogads is in the US state of Illinois...
...any of my accounts across all networks, account balance the last time checked was about 350$ not that mush. it was mainly come from a contentlocker i made and share with people to access something like a website which has some codes or some entertainment websites. just a small side business...
Hey man, if you are new to affiliate marketing, you should start on newbie friendly network. You can check MyLead network - they have a lot of offers, free mentoring, contentlocker - all you need to start.
Good luck!
ContentLocker is a tool that allows you to block premium content. It can be accessed only by completing a specific task - the Internet user chooses one that’s suggested by you. This way, you can earn more without spending extra time! Sounds great, doesn't it?
hey everyone,
i just joined the cpalead network, but I have a question regarding using the contentlocker.
So I made a contentlocker using their contentlocker creator, and they gave me a Javascript Code code to insert it inside the <head> tag and a onclick code to insert it inside a button. I...
I am not sure if this i the right forum to post in.. But i need some help.
So I just found out about CPA marketing with contentlockers.
I have signed up for three networks and non of the support adult traffic.
Now I would like to create a content locking page myself via Wordpress and...
...to promote your CPA offer.
Alternatively you can share torrent files with link to your website for the password to open and use a contentlocker plugin. In order to download the password, the user will have to complete the CPA.
There are still many methods but the above should be...
Hi! @chervenkov thanks for such a nice opinion. :) @Dario Yes, we do confirm that we have ContentLockers. On our list, you can find: File Locker, CPA Locker, Captcha Locker and Mobile Rewards. Check here - click.
If you guys have any other questions feel free to ask. ;)
Greetings, Marta, MyLead.
Unfortunetely MgCash is no longer in the business which is really sad. :(
Also Blue Track Media no longer has a contentlocker, not even sure If they are still in biz.
Any idea If companies like CPALead and Adscend Media is still a thing?
Alright guys, so I have noticed that the incentive marketing section of this amazing community is not getting any traction.
Let's try to make the list of most popular content locking CPA networks in 2021!
Need your help with this, here are some popular ones I am aware of:
1. CPAGrip
2. OgAds...
...possible thanks to the use of OnlineCinema - one of the exclusive MyLead programs. You can read about the details of this adventure on our blog.
Rate: $0.01 - 10.48 | Model: CPA | Conversion point: Create and activate an account by using ContentLocker | Geo: GLOBAL | Preview...
...services all over the world.
Type: CPA | Rate: $0.01 - 10.62 | Conversion type: Account creation and activation using ContentLocker | Countries: GLOBAL | Preview: click
The campaign usage is very simple. All you have to do is to promote the link to the search engine of the...
Hi People, I'm scaling up on a campaign and need to find a network with decent contentlocker offers for mobile.
I'm already with cpabuild.
I tried to join OGAds but they denied me :(
Are there any others worth a shot?
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