Hi, these are default domains in cpagrip contentlocker: 2
Can we change those domains to our custom domains? I think people will think something fishy when they suddenly see opaldownloads.com from example cards.com or something like that.
What is the correct way to do this?
The country remains the largest economy in Europe with 21% of contribution to the European GDP. In 2018, GDP per capita reached 48,195$. Average salary is about 4,651 euros;
After several years of real GDP growth averaging over 2 percent annually, Germany’s...
...Our innovative publisher tools will equip you with state of the art monetization options. We provide options from direct linking to contentlockers. Join Leadstead now and start earning.
Top Leadstead Benefits:
Hundreds of incentive and non-incentive offers to work with.
Advanced content...
Can we integrate contentlocker from ogads/cpagrip/adworkmedia into contentlocker plugins like contentlocker pro from mythemeshop or any other standalone contentlocker plugins?
Well, first of all, all of those things can be part of a contentlocker scenario. Content locking is just adding a step to a funnel in order to accomplish things like email collections & conversions or at least click throughs.
In my opinion, content locking is an interference to a proper campaign.
Well the contentlocker marketing is not what it once was. Today it is a huge challenge. I can think of hundreds of ways to earn that are far easier and more lucrative.
- In my landing page, I have instructions on how to get access to the offers. People know they have to complete surveys to get them.
- I capture email before that.
- I got 13 emails in my list so 13 interested people...
- Then, I got 0 leads in my cpagrip dashboard.
Tell me what should I do...
Hi, is it possible to transform the looks of the default cpagrip contentlocker using a standalone contentlocker plugin for wordpress? If yes then how and which plugin supports such thing?
Hi, I content locked an URL in CPAgrip and pasted the contentlocker link in my landing page's button but people are saying that after putting address, phone number nothing happens when they click "continue". The locker have 5 survey offers and many people have tried 5 options but they saying...
Screenshot: Imgur
How do I change the "50% off skin" thing to a custom line of my own?
This is in cpa grip.
Is there any custom made templates where I can manually configure these things? And yes I did check both CSS and HTML and there is no option to edit that line.
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? I have a 5:9 job as developper
I got about 200 clicks on maxbounty's banner and about 30 clicks on Ogads's contentlocker but got 0 conversions.
not sure if it will impact my main offer's CR, the problem with popunder traffic is people close very fast your pop window before they take look at...
...in order to not waste traffic, like "code my own small smartbanner features to show banner from MaxBounty's offers", "showing ogads contentlocker for some visitor's behavior", "add backbtn / popunder technic in my landing page"
-found & fixed a lot of problems like device didn't show/work...
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