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Search results for query: content locker

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  1. samnang0410

    $300+ in a day

    all on here can you guild how to earn money with content locker using PPC ?
  2. hsen2012

    Is cpa lock content allowd in apps

    I have my own apps and I want to put cpa content locker as Interstitial ads does google play allowd that and do cpa networks allowd to put their code into my apps
  3. Daiany01

    $300+ in a day

    Thank you for your reply! ;) I'm working with MaxBounty and some dating offers, but I'm a newbie and no longer success yet.
  4. vintik

    $300+ in a day

    razkc_77 seem to be using cpagrip network. My best guess is Content or file locker. I can be wrong about this as well.
  5. dame colquhoun

    Getting Fed UP. But I'm So Close I can feel my palms itching for $ come up with a new method to redirect those leads... whoever was still with me that is. Now I ended up creating a site, adding a content locker and also have the offers displayed for the people that were looking for it, after they unlock the content. I don't expect any sales doing it...
  6. dame colquhoun

    Please Clarify What Is "Incentive Traffic"

    Hi I'm working with an affiliate network and they offer a lot of incent traffic. I'm going to do content locker for a specific niche and also I want to know if this next kind of incentive route will be fine. I was browsing around and could not find any good info until I got here and signed up...
  7. chrisbee1

    CPI content locker networks

    I'm trying to monetize my instagram traffic. I tried ogads but was denied. I'm just starting. Any advice?
  8. chrisbee1

    Trying to find a simple Landing Page for WP

    Im planning on using a content locker. should i just skip the handing page and just go start to the entry form with the content locker.? Thank you
  9. tyoussef

    Trying to find a simple Landing Page for WP

    are you trying to capture leads or you are using CPA Content locker ? .
  10. V

    Official VevaLeadz Offer Network [Deleted]

    VevaLeadz submitted a new resource: VevaLeadz Offer Network - International CPA/Offer Network Read more about this resource...
  11. tyoussef

    Journey Instagram Domination Squad [CASE STUDY]

    hey guys . i want to monetize one of my apps in google play store . do you guys have any idea how i can do it using your content locker ? .
  12. chrisbee1

    What's the best CPA network to apply for as a beginner?

    Thanks for all the great response. I got accepted into CPALeads but the problem I am having is with their content locker which I am using (or at least trying to). When I disable certain offers for some reason it doesn't save and enables it again. For example most of my traffic is on their mobile...
  13. Bloody Tourist

    Help: Creating single page with Wordpress for content locker

    Why would you use WP for a basic optin page? Show me an example of what the page should look like and I'll hook you up.
  14. chrisbee1

    Help: Creating single page with Wordpress for content locker

    Basically I want a single page with an entry form- this entry form will be created using a WP plugin and a content locker which the person have to fill out before getting access to the entry form for the giveaway. I decided to go on freelancer and I am being charged $200 buck for this? does...
  15. chrisbee1

    Question with content locker?

    Basically I am using the content locker on an entry form (rafflecopter). I am using weebly but for some reason the content locker isn't showing up. I'm not quite sure what I am doing wrong. Is weebly good to use or would you recommend something different? I am using CPALead and AdWorkMedia...
  16. Testogainz

    Content locker: How to hide link from source code?

    Sup guys, i wanted use a content locker (cpalead) for an audiofile on my site. However, you can either content lock the site as popup, where the content basically dissapears, making it less believable that there ACTUALLY is a file, or lock it by clicking the download or play button.. here is...
  17. A

    Is it legal to have such a content locker?

    Hello, once again. I was wondering before my launch by the competitor's websites and found something similar to mine (, obvious scam). And I was wondering if something like this is legal? Since you're misleading the user and using Instagram's trademarks on your site even with the...
  18. A

    What CPA should I use for my content lock?

    Hello, everyone. I have a pretty good, private fake social media free followers content locker. And I'm looking for an affiliate network that could convert my traffic using content lockers. Since most of the traffic will come from mobile devices, I'm looking for a network that specializes in...
  19. azgold

    Building Traffic From Pinterest [Strategy]

    I imagine that she saves the pic from one of her site pages to Pinterest then when people click through to her site and try to download the software/whatever, they'll be presented with the locker. I think. That's totally a guess on my part but it's the only way I can think how it would happen.
  20. azgold

    Building Traffic From Pinterest [Strategy]

    How do you promote a locker on Pinterest? I mean, do you send people to videos, that sort of thing? I'm asking because I don't know. :)