Hey Guys,
I am newbie and started working on cpagrip but i am dont have any idea about URL/Contentlockers. I am trying URL file locker on cpagrip.
My question is..
If users will click on locked file, they will be able to see a small survey box where they need to complete the survey in-order...
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...out of affiliate marketing and I didn't come to the conclusion lightly, but I ran a campaign a few years ago with free traffic and a contentlocker to an upcoming game niche, I made around £700 throughout the campaign and the taste of it got me hooked. I've done a lot of lurking and learning...
...gives you a tracking data.
3. More like, what angle of an offer you can thought of, to promote.
4. Both network you mention are contentlocker, they don't pay well on mobile offer.
For your start, I'm going to warn you here, you will probably getting 10 fail campaign before seeing a first...
I have one contentlocker that I do not advertise because it gets me no income do you suggest me advertising it I have a landing page for it I am just wondering If I am doing something wrong
If so can you refer me to any other affiliate marketing websites?
Haven't shared stuff in a while and came across this lander when I was doing some cleaning on my cloud server.
I used this in a contentlocker campaign a couple of months ago. The app is still pretty popular, so you should still be able to use it. Or modify it to something else.
Just change...
...cpa journey and decided to seek for help.
i registered in cpagrip, accout approve but i'm confuse on how to use their like locker and contentlocker.
i usually thought that after locking a link and if a user want to access my link a survey will pop-up asking him/her to complete a survey by...
Hello all....
I need help badly....What Im wanting to do is set up a ContentLocker on my Weebly website (If possible)
I currently have accounts with Maxbounty, OGads, CPA Leads and few others...But Im a newby and im really having a hard time finding the right resources that will show me what...
...months ago, beside the huge amount of offers they also have great tools and options to monetize your content, Super URL, banner ads, contentlockers, prehosted landing pages, soundcloud locker, the list goes on and on, you can even make money of your domain name by simply changing name...
Thank you.. Jquery.. Hmm.
Haven't touched that one yet.
Yes, I believe you are right about landing pages that is simple.
I am just amazed how those people create such wonderful pages. Hehe.
this lander normally guy of PPD & Contentlocker who uses these type .
but if you want to use paid ads and promote offers from big CPA networks you have to create a simple landing page that describes the offer , the normal landing page that all of knows .
these type of landers create by ...
...so instead of be angry like most newbies does, I just started to see what she/he was doing, and I saw that he was using another contentlocker different to mine.
My conclusion: He/she was making money because he/she copied me some videos not only one, so I decided to my a try on different...
that's really Cool invest more i know a guy that's Doing only that and he is making cash :) just YouTube and contentlocker .
yes at purelander we provide there only what's Working if you can get the right traffic Source they work like a charm :)
yes the Pros like to host there landing pages...
@2NWO what will be your reward when somebody unlock the content in your contentlocker. Do you redirect them to an app free follower, video free follower or website? Thank you for advice. I really appreciate it.
Actually, I didn't worked with them for a year long now, I believe they only support US CPI, so if you're not from CPI, you are probably limited from offers. So you get re-directed.
You can use the <script> </script> given on a lander, did you contact your AM?
...Do I need to add the offer separately?
Still confused :s
And how do I do this without requesting a landing page? Like simply make a contentlocker and add the locker in a weebly site..I saw a video on YouTube where the guy got an offer from MaxBounty ,he just simply created a .weebly site...
@game333 yes I did read the thread and I have contacted my AM but I haven't heard back from him yet.
I just got approved for a landing page and got the link to the page.. What am I supposed to do now? Do I need to make a contentlocker?
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