I already have a website for a business I own and it just so happens that the cheapest option for website hosting from the company I work with is a bundle deal in which I get hosting for up to 5 websites. With those four extra websites I was planning on getting involved in OG Ads and making...
...have read a lot of posts and yes I have read @game333 's post too.
Can someone tell me what to do step by step?
I already have made a contentlocker on OGads. And I've seen videos on YT where the guy tells I have to make a free weebly site as a landing page and then add the offer there.
...link to the movie or anything illegal like that, so wanted some ideas of how to monitse the traffic?
I was thinking something like a contentlocker, but without an incentive of being able to watch the whole movie, I don't know how it would work.
I have been doing some searching and come...
...im bedjo and im newbie in cpagrip and i interested
but i hv many much question about..
1. Which method more better, direct offer, contentlocker or both.
2. Im doing direct offer but sometimes my offer show different
ex: im offer iphone but come show up as starbuck (on survey)
i use landing page .
and shorten link on website and bio as on Survey Niches
Rewards Upto 50$ Per Survey
Free #CASH
Earn from Home
No Registration FEE
A Trusted & Instant Paying Site
please guide me
...and therefore can no longer be found directly via the search engines in the SERPs :ninja:
Plus the most noble manner: Add CPA ContentLocker Offers to your protected files.
Thus you can earn twice: Once the lock will be resolved you'll earn on a CPA offer, and then secondly on your own...
...saturated Niches like " Free IG followers " " Free Musically Followers"
they all have landing pages what redirect you to a page with a contentlocker or something like that.
I want to run two niches a Saturated Niche like " Free Musically Followers " and a not so saturated Niche, just for an...
Hey Guys, this isn't bragging - I want to help ANYONE that's struggling - so please don't hate on me!!
Adgate Media are an incredible incentive CPA network, that I've been working with for a long time. The earnings below were achieved using content locking! :cool:
They have some great...
For the moment no. The only type of promotion is google ranking with contentlocker. These days i want to study more cases and turorials here and start my on campaigns
I target accounts that have allot of teen followers since they tend to be more gullible.
Proper account branding and salescopy will help. I dont post any pictures but all my accounts are HQ and seem like a trustworthy brand account.
No problem.
I agree with what mod said. Unless you have a...
hmm, I see, I will try using blogspot like TS guide.
Yea, I use contentlocker + follower generator. I've tried Health offer with my own landing page,but did not get good results. Probably because traffic from instagram come from worldwide, but my offer only for specific country?
...account with 13$ advertiser balance if any one need PM me.
Please See My All Screenshot what i done.
what i target, at all.
i used ogads direct mobile contentlocker URL.
and my campaign now pending, once my campaign will approve i will be update my thread thank you.
NO Earning.......
...functions for what niche - and I will create it for you from scratch.
It may have functions like:
- Post to share Locker
- Custom contentLocker
- Referral script
- Share to social media (facebook/whatsapp/sms/viber/g+/etc.) Locker
- Mobile/Desktop redirect
- Show/hide elements by...
yes ,
its ppd script like Sharecash and cleanfiles ...Etc
So you want to bring people to upload there files and share them online and you will pay these guys,
and you are going to monetize it with google adsense , or CPA Contentlocker ? .
...a way to promote the offers without content locking them. When i click in the offers section and pick an offer im interested in, there is a link. Can i promote that link or do i have to make a contentlocker for it. That's all i want to know. Anyways, the one i had my friend test did not convert.
Video preview:
Basic HTML knowledge is required to edit the landing page in order to include your method of monetisation (contentlocker etc.)
I do NOT own the images included in the landing page.
You may NOT re-sell this landing page without my authorisation.
All sales are final...
hello @WhiteHalo and welcome to affiliatefix.
any ways i suggest you start from here.
also about your Question, ContentLocker Works like this.
-you offer some thing to the visitor Some content(book,audio,video ... etc) and the user can't download it or see it until He complete An offer :):).
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