Heya Pav,
reading something about 7k bucks, IMHO William Souza would be the far cheaper alternative ;)
But here AdEspresso - Simple, Powerful Facebook Ads Manager you may find help in form of guides, ebooks, webinars - even without spending a single dime.
Christina (FBQueen) offers mentorship for $7,000 or something like that.
I think mentoring for FB isn't bad, considering you need to learn how to master their ads, targeting and accounts creation.
...Facebook Case Study of William: Gold - Part 1/14 Facebook Case Study. | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
the threads and answers by FBQueen: http://www.affiliatefix.com/search/1474343/
Last maybe the 'Social Ad Classroom' by Justin Cencer & Dan Dasilva. But it's currently closed...
Hi FBQueen,
Thanks for your help, and rob2371 thanks for starting this conversation.
I have a super newbie question, and I'm wonder if you could help me clarifying this point: There are many policies with FB Ads and Adwords, promotions. My question is: How do you do it? Who do you do about...
I'm not familiar with Funnel Flux or any of their people, so can't offer an opinion but FBQueen recommends them.
Re AdsBridge, great people, very helpful. I have limited knowledge of their platform, only used it a short while for a trial run. Got sidetracked and didn't get back to it in time...
I've wondered what happened to @Vita Vee from FunnelFlux, hasn't been around for a while. So, @FBQueen loves using FunnelFlux. Is anyone else using it?
I've meant to try it out, but never got around to it. It does look interesting. I may give it a go this month. Any takers here that would give...
Hello, FBQueen
Please how about getting approved from clickdealer & Clickbooth any tips or something? as you know these networks are not newbie Friendly!!!
Best regards
I am not jack of all trades, therefore I'd rather not advise you on pop traffic strategies, I'm focusing on PPC traffic, mostly FB...
Click to Join STM and learn from pop traffic experts there! :)
Nobody have time to visits AffiliateSummits, Our guru queen.
@Op go with big rep networks and you are fine. If you are not sure about your traffic source, ask your AM
Unfortunately this has been a major issue for many of us. This is something that you won't really find an answer for on a public forum.
Discussing this on a public forum isn't too smart... Join mastermind groups and learn from others. STM has several FB masterminds groups where you can chat...
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