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Yes, when @Tim Burd was our guest for AffiliateExpertWeek, he recommended a business account to get better support.
So yes, that's good advice, thanks.
Re FB, there may be some great info for you in these threads by FBQueen, who was one of our ExpertAffiliates:
Gold - AffiliateExpertWeek Archives. | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
If you decide to join The Dojo, there is a BH forum inside there, as well as plenty of other...
yes good point! this was an older thread and I had some complications preventing me from doing much for a while, but I answered it even being older simply to acknowledge my thanks for the responses.
Hi, @George Williams and welcome! :)
Just so you know, FBQueen was here for ExpertAffiliateWeek, not sure when she'll be back to answer questions.
Two things you can do now:
Introduce Yourself - we love saying hi to new members (we're a family :))
Start Your Own Thread with your question...
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Tim was here for ExpertAffiliateWeek, not sure if he's had time to come back yet.
Hi, @Alisa stophie and welcome to AFix!
We have lots of threads and posts about FB ads and traffic that I think might help you. A while back, we even had FBQueen as our guest for ExpertAffiliateWeek. Tons of great info there!
Don't hesitate to let us know when you have questions, that's what...
First of all, hello and welcome! Don't forget to drop into the Introductions forum and introduce yourself to your fellow 'Fixers. :)
Re FB, try these:
How to Make Your First Few Dollars with Facebook Ads | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
Ping me if you have any questions |...
First of all, hello and welcome.
I translated the title of your thread for our English readers, hope you don't mind.
I believe your question was meant for FBQueen, who is no longer answering questions. She was here until Friday.
Suggest you check out the ExpertWeek Archives. Some...
You're redirecting without having the user click something on your site? Is that correct, am I understanding the flow?
How many redirects are you allowed? Did the FB rep tell you?
Not sure if you know or not but we have a FB expert here on AFix, starting on Monday (March 14). You can ask her...
Hi @stardust , welcome to AffilaiteFix! Thanks for joining us. It's great to have you here.
This is a great community with marketers at every level. I am sure you will find them energizing, engaging, and inquisitive.
Be sure to ask some questions of our Expert of the Week, FBQueen.
If you...
@LifevsCPA - hello and welcome! Thanks for that raw and honest intro. My heart goes out to you. Few things worse than hating what you do every day of your life. My son is an insurance broker, so I have an idea of what you go through. :)
You may not know (yet) how to build a landing page but you...
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