Thank you for taking the time to write that TJ really appreciate it. I do agree with the learning phase part of what you said, especially the "BUYING DATA" part.
I certainly don't mean to put you on the spot (considering all the info you gave me, again greatly appreciated!) but I had a couple...
...You are investing, you are NOT losing money. You are BUYING data and that data is what you use to learn!
Absolutely, when i was a Clickbank publisher. however, I do not promote such offers anymore. There are some very successful affiliates on CB. I moved on to primarily affiliate programs...
According to CB, these are their top 10 dating offers:
Top ClickBank Dating Products
His Secret Obsession
Unlock the Scrambler
The Ex Factor
The Obsession Method
Irresistible Texts
Text Chemistry
The Devotion System
Jack’s BJ Lessons
Mend the Marriage
Friends with Benefits
Some of the tools...
Hey Stickland thanks for the message, nice to meet you. I've been promoting on Facebook (yes, the joys of Facebook ads, lol) couple sales but not a good ROI, I guess thats the price of learning lol were hoping to hear but it's the truth.
You can check out what other members have or are trying with CB. ;) Search results for query: clickbank
Anytime you have questions, please feel free to start a thread in the appropriate forum and ask. That's what we're all here for - to learn and... be here, I'm looking for mentor. I've been affilate marketing for years now with not much success. Currently I'm trying to promote the Clickbank product "his secret obsession", couple of sales but nothing to brag about. Looking for guidance with an experienced mentor. Thanks for your time...
You need a Facebook page dedicated to the offer and you need that page to go to a landing page. From there to the conversion page. Otherwise you are left with BH tactics.
On your Facebook page and lander.
NO! You will get banned eventually.
Clickbank payment issued on 12th July but I thought payment normally get into account Tuesday to Thursday but it's too late, Does this same issue happened to anyone of you please tell me
Welcome and great introduction
I am also an affiliate marketar using digital products from clickbank ,jvzoo etc
Mainly using organic traffic
What about you ?
...`botted` your link and the bot decided that the link, based on your content, was bad, deceptive, or possibly just contained a hop link to Clickbank, then banned on that basis.
Weight loss offers are not that easy to sell --contrary to what the affiliate thinks. People do make money but you...
I recently started Facebook marketing. I don't have any money to invest. I got a link to a weight loss product on ClickBank. I started posting in many Facebook groups. Some groups received good traffic. I also made a beautiful landing page, but the problem is that after many people replied to me...
Thanks for the replies.
Yep, I'm using bitly for my clickbank affiliate links, but was using my amazon affiliate links (with my tracking id) supplied by amazon for their products. So that is one issue.
The other is, that I review and promote gambling/betting products, mainly through...
...official AA links that they give you and not your own redirects.
So, you say you did that ...
It may be your cloaking practices of the "(Clickbank, etc.)," that is creating what they consider a `Brand Safety` issue for Amazon.
It could be your undefined `etc.`??? IDK
Check the etc part... process and policies in the link here".
I was (and still am) using shortened/cloaking links for NON Amazon affiliate links (Clickbank, etc.), which made up around 90% of my offers, with just a couple of associated Amazon products, where I made sure that they were my Amazon short links...
Thanks for taking the time, @T J Tutor. Here's a quick clarification: I am a part of Impact Radius and Clickbank. AppSumo is a brand/Offer owner listed on Impact Radius and I get paid through Impact.
Edit: I just read your other post and you mentioned CJ, Clickbank are not affiliate networks...
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