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  1. Prakash Kumar Soni

    Weight Loss Offer with Bing Journey

    Yesterday i have run Garcinia Cambodia with Bing Ads. got 0 leads. spent over $120+ now i thinking to promote Nutrisystem offer in bing ads. Thank you
  2. Prakash Kumar Soni

    My Last Campaign Earning with Bing Ads

    This is my last campaign earning with bing ads, Now this offer gone in maxbounty, trying to run now weight loss offer.
  3. Prakash Kumar Soni

    Facebook with Maxbounty Sucess

    I have increased my earning now more, thanks to affix.
  4. Prakash Kumar Soni

    Bing with Weight Lose Journey

    Yesterday Working with Maxbounty Nutra offer got 0 leads and spent 400$+ I thinking to promote garcinia offer maybe that will perfect for me, i will get some leads. this is my LP: i have used cloaker. These keywords i have used.
  5. Prakash Kumar Soni

    MaxBounty With Bing

    My this week earning, this offer awesome, try it in bing, I have just spent $47
  6. Prakash Kumar Soni

    maxbounty yesterday profit

    Hi, My yesterday earning is 25$ with bing ads.
  7. Prakash Kumar Soni

    10 days cpamatica earning

    this is my simple earning with cpa matica
  8. Prakash Kumar Soni

    I started my new journey.

    Hello, Today i approved my maxbounty account, this is so good for me, i thinking to promote Weight Loss offer and Giveway Offer. I have $500+ I have deposited in Tonic and Adwords. also i am thinking to promote in 50onred. I have brought a hosting vps for the traffic bandwidth. i have brought a...