I'm looking for a network with US CC submits. I can deliver up to 100 leads per day. I can provide proof and references. Payout must be at least $20.
Note: I'm talking to my managers and applying at different networks to find the best offer for me. Keep that in mind.
What's the deal with Clickadilla's web-push traffic?
This campaign was targeting US Android users on their WEB-PUSH format. I got this "traffic" in approx. two minutes before it DDoSed my server. So there's a lot more that didn't get tracked.
According to their dashboard, this campaign blew...
I have a list of leads (name, email, phone #, address) of people that signed up for a sweepstakes offer. I collected those leads on my prelander before sending them to the affiliate offer, so not all of them converted. List is fresh and new leads are added every day.
How can I make money...
please recommend me a trustworthy affiliate network for sweepstakes offers. Please only if you've had a good experience with the network.
If you're an AM, you can also send me a PM and I'll give you my Skype contact. I have several years experience promoting sweeps offers and did some...
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