Hey everyone,
I’m currently running adult traffic campaigns through TrafficJunky, and I’m seeing around a 7% CTR on my landing page. I'm trying to gauge if this is a solid number for this type of traffic or if there's room for improvement.
For those experienced with adult traffic, is 7%...
Since about 2 month I'm in a state where I earn so much that I can't find motivation to do the work that I should do. I'm currently bringing in mid to high 5 figures a month and I know I could scale to 6 figures or even 7 but I have no motivation to do so. I fell like I can buy everything I...
Hello Affiliate Friends,
I have just launched my first campaign on trafficjunky yesterday. The click rate is very low right now and the clicks cost about 20ct. I know after testing the values will go down but I don't know what values I should be looking for.
So what's a good impression to...
Hello Dear Affiliate Friends,
I'm Jason and I come from broker affiliate and just getting started with adult cpa offers. First I want to thank you guys for the help to this point. I have now set up my traffic sources, tracking, created my creatives and choose an offer at Crakreveue i want to...
Dear Community,
My name is Jason and I'm 24 years old. I hope everything is going well for you. I'm currently running broker affiliate offers, but I am interested in getting into adult traffic to run CPA offers. If some of you guys could link some resources/guides on how to get started I would...
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