I just fixed it! thank you for the help.
Made the change in Cloud Flare to stop using HTTPS redirect for now and it works. So looks like the old host was hacked somehow because there was an HTTPS header refresh in place.
I've been doing SEO for many years, but I'm by no means an expert. However, I just stumbled across a problem that I've never seen before and am baffled at what's going on.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I own hostchecka .com which was an affiliate site for hosting that I lost...
Hey guys,
I've got 3 AW Asia tickets I need to sell that I purchased a few months back. Something has come up, so I won't be able to attend.
The prices have gone up, so you'll get them cheaper if you buy them through me.
2 tickets at $500 each ($699 on the...
Hey guys,
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. But I have two AWC tickets available for Berlin. I can't make the conference this year, so am selling the tickets for €499 Euros each.
The price right now for each ticket is €799 Euros (affiliateworldconferences.com/europe/tickets)...
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