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  1. mike zenith

    Google security error on my domain with antivirus related offers

    I just started with few of the media buying activity and choose CPI offers of antivirus in US Geo which converting well(adv said). I created some lander related to antivirus notifications. After running it for 3-4 days now my domain is getting "Security Error" and campaign has been paused by...
  2. mike zenith

    my road to success with mobile CPA - $10,000/month Goal - Update 11/14/2017

    Hey, Nice work done!! I am currently started using adcombo tier3 offers. I have created a campains with 3-4 offer and bound combinations and ran directly on pop traffic. Do you think it will convert.. Hopes are less for me but want to start out this test first.
  3. mike zenith

    Any Free Native Ads Spy Tool ?

    Hey I just got a 2 week access of spyover and I am still exploring it. You can also check !!
  4. mike zenith

    What is the need to cloacking?

    Hi I am new in media buying and have read many forums about cloacking when anyone promote campaigns on facebook, taboola, revcontent, adword. What exactly is the need of cloacking ??
  5. mike zenith

    Good CPI offers wanted

    Hey you can try Themobiadz, they have good offers and very good payment cycle. AM skype: adaptiveakki
  6. mike zenith

    Ask Me Anything Hit my first 5K$ on Nutra. Super excited to share my first success!

    Hey you going great Man!! Can you tell me if you using any landing page or just direct linking here ?? If yes, then can you suggest how I create a landing page?
  7. mike zenith

    Understand Everything about Facebook CPA Ads Right Now!

    Hi In this case of creating a landing page / blog page and setup CPI campaign. Then facebook will enforce for pixel. So how we can setup pixel? Or if its not mandatory then how facebook will track install?
  8. mike zenith

    Why We Can't Target US in Popads?

    Thanks for your suggestion.. Do you think mobile content direct linking convert well??
  9. mike zenith

    New to Media buying

    Thanks buddy.. I am always open to learn new things:)
  10. mike zenith

    New to Media buying

    I tried mobile content offers with direct linking till now. My ROAS is 75% but no ROI :(
  11. mike zenith

    New to Media buying

    Thanks for your support. What I know is the basic flow of CPS/CPL offers. I need to pick good offer, research some angles, create landing page, pick traffic source and try luck. I have access of WRW and approved few affiliate accounts in CPA networks like cpalead, globalwide media. But not...
  12. mike zenith

    Why We Can't Target US in Popads?

    What offers convert well on popads and Is direct linking works?
  13. mike zenith

    New to Media buying

    I am new to media buying. Just doing some direct linking mobile content offers. Which also not in profit. I want to do more in CPS offers. Need all members help to grow .