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  1. crak_vince

    Official CrakRevenue

    crak_vince updated CrakRevenue with a new update entry: CrakRevenue Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. crak_vince

    Official CrakRevenue

    We are CrakRevenue, a premium-performance CPA platform made by some of the biggest affiliates in the industry. We have been generating online leads for over 10 years and have won many awards for our innovative platforms and projects. Our mission is to develop and share the same money making...
  3. crak_vince

    Any whales around?

    Hey there 'fixers! I'm Vince from, first time here, nice to meet you all! If any of you guys are looking for killer adult/dating/live cams CPA offers (including tons of $$$ PPL's), we've got something for you! I'll be around if you have any questions, just hit me up...