On pinterest on one account use 4 boards. Related to your niche. I follow about 40 people and unfollow every day or so. I do load and add related pictures to my boards at about 4-6 pics a day on average. Seems to work to this point. I will add your suggestions. Thanks for the post on this topic.
I have done FB ads online off an on. What is working well besides tshirts and ecommerce? What about targeting? What do you see for the future next 12 months with FB advertising? Thank you for checking this out in advance. This is inspiring.
"Will increasing my bid amount result in more clicks or will it just increase my impressions?"
First run a certain amount of traffic to your keyword group. Let's say 50 keywords to a group of 6 ads. Run it for a day. I usually bid low and refresh every hour to increase the bid where there are...
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