A few days ago I got an affiliate marketing link in Dating platform. The Link was like this: htt:// (I've changed the Numbers)
I really interested to use these types link to promote my offer
Please help me, where can make my promotion link like that?
Hello Marina,
I'm from Bangladesh an Adult affiliate Marketer. Looking forward to working with you by SOI PPL smartlink offer.
Can You help me to buildup a career to your Network?
Feel free to ask me any questions and You can also knock me on my skype: Rakimmahmud1
I already sent you a request...
My Targeted GEO is US and GB. I don't know about SMS traffic.
Can you help me where I get the details about SMS traffic and How will be its cost?
Advance Thanks
Hello Marina,
Can you tell me why you advertising your product Randomly? I checked everywhere you used the same Reply! But when we asking you to get some advice, You are out of range!
I sent you a request on your skype and sent an email. But still waiting! If you wanna ignore me, why you...
Hello Viewers!
I am looking for Privet PPL Dating offer. I've huge adult Traffic for PPL offers.
100% good quality 25+ Traffic.
Traffic source is Dating media, Facebook, Youtube and Tube sites.
If you are interested ping me in skype: rakimmahmud11
Hello There,
Looking for Adult PPL traffic. I am using social media to get traffic but my Affiliate network replied me, My traffic quality is too bad. I think you can help me. I am new in paid traffic platform and don't know about it's cost. Will happy if you help me to start.
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