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  1. drluisbarrios

    Official PixelK [Deleted]

    Hello @PixelK I hope you're very well... I did some questions to support, but never heard of you. The service is active and being monitored?
  2. drluisbarrios

    50OnRred Is Getting Very Red

    These days the traffic from 50OnRed is turning very, very bad. I think the last inventory they bought is almost "Red Sitexxx", that's why his most recent promo sounds suspicious to me. They must be going through hard times, because his good traffic it is slowly losing quality and I'm not...
  3. drluisbarrios

    Official LosPollos

    haha Cool Why that name? Are you from LATAM?
  4. drluisbarrios

    Ask Me Anything Pay-Per-View Traffic, The Great Secret

    Hi, I hope you are very well. Still active the matching bonus?
  5. drluisbarrios

    Official ThriveTracker

    Hello @ipyxelcreations, What is the difference between ThriveTracker and AdultAdsPro
  6. drluisbarrios

    Affiliates Wanted I Looking For New Affiliates - Up To $85 each sale

    i heard that clickbank is banning products that promise to cure diseases without medical evidence. What do you know about it @gmedia778?
  7. drluisbarrios

    How do I start Email Marketing on a low budget($)

    Hi @mrbrown725838, If you're starting i would recommend Rocket Responder is very reliable and the best is, the service doesn't increase the price when your list grows | Just 20/Mo
  8. drluisbarrios


    Hi, Link is broken ;)
  9. drluisbarrios

    Selling How to Make $20, 000 In 1 Single Month Scaling Media Buy Campaigns (with Kickass Support)

    Hello Fixers I had the opportunity to acquire the CPA Media Buys Bible From @9to5affiliate Let me tell you something: Pros - 100 pages and 88 pure content - The guide is straight to the point - Has instructions step by step even if you are a beginner - Detailed structure of how to scale your...
  10. drluisbarrios

    The Dark Side Of Affiliate Marketing

    I mean if you believe in rumor ;)
  11. drluisbarrios

    The Dark Side Of Affiliate Marketing

    I was reading in facebook group and somebody did a comment about this Voluum is hiring a media buyer I think this is the fear of all affiliates when it comes to buy a self serve tracking software. What do you think? PD: i use Voluum and i like it but is obvious that they will deny everything
  12. drluisbarrios

    Selling The Affiliate Marketing Mobile Blueprint: Volume 1 Thanks, no more words to say
  13. drluisbarrios

    How old are you?

    I'm 34 but i looks like 29 jajaja
  14. drluisbarrios

    My first $4,383 day

    Congratulations again Tai :o When i signed up to this forum, your thread "Diary of a rookie affiliate" was my first read and the inspiration to make one similar, I'm on the path and these stories are of great encouragement to us all. Today more than ever I am sure that i can Can i get...
  15. drluisbarrios


    Refer to this AppFloor
  16. drluisbarrios

    Landing Page

    I think this is what you looking for <a href=""> <img src="ImageHere.jpg" /> </a> Regards
  17. drluisbarrios

    Gold Diary of a rookie affiliate (the road to $1000 a day)

    Nice to read soooo great news ;), God bless your income and multiply it
  18. drluisbarrios

    →→ New In Voluum? →→ Check This Tutorial

    Hello Fixers, I found this guy and is giving great content. One of his categories is a tutorial for Voluum Tracker. Hope this helps. Regards ;) ►►►►Tutorial ◄◄◄◄
  19. drluisbarrios

    found this, it might be of help for you

    If there is people winning in this game, why not us? Expand your vision pal