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  1. Syed A1

    hi thanks for approval. I want to create campaign but there are no numbers available for USA to...

    hi thanks for approval. I want to create campaign but there are no numbers available for USA to rent.
  2. Syed A1

    Pay Per Call Affiliate Network Recommendation Required

    I have been learning SEO for local affiliate marketing for a long time. I have created a site under ac repair to rank in google since the competitor’s sites are very badly SEO optimized. My site is completely ready. I only need to submit it with google search console and create some back-links...
  3. Syed A1

    I am looking to get approved by leading Pay Per Call Network. I have applied with my email id...

    I am looking to get approved by leading Pay Per Call Network. I have applied with my email id
  4. Syed A1

    hi i have created created a site for lead generation under ac repair niche. The location i...

    hi i have created created a site for lead generation under ac repair niche. The location i selected has pretty low SEO competition. My site is ready. It is automatically indexed by google. I am waiting to get approved by affiliate network so then i will submit it with google search console and...
  5. Syed A1

    Targeted Facebook Traffic

    watch videos of following if you are starting out with fb ads. learn copywriting, understanding your audiance, how to use FB audience insight tool to find prospects. I have learned alot from following guys. They are some serious guys to learn from. Tim Burd, Neil Patel, James Van Elswyk, Miles...
  6. Syed A1

    Need Help in Understanding Stats & Conversion Process.

    Hi, Confessions: 1- A lengthy post 2- English not 1st language 3- Not a copywriter 4- Totally confused for issue so my confusion might confuse you also. Request: Consider my a dumb when replying to my queries. Post Content: I am new to affiliate marketing. I am testing few offers with...
  7. Syed A1

    Journey to Reaching $100 profit a day with Native Ads

    Visit = 164 Cost = $47.08 Your CPC is $0.28. Are you Ok with this CPC. You didn't mention GEO and Traffic source. Since its COD offer so i can imagine most likely Geo could not be US-UK-Canada-Australia. Affiliate Network might be Adcombo. your Payout is $25.5 per conversion. I don't want to...
  8. Syed A1

    Official FinFalcon [Deleted]

    Hi I think at Signup stage your terms and condition section is not complete. only $ sign is mentioned not figures ???
  9. Syed A1

    Tracking Help Required between Adcombo and Propellerads

    how can i set it up. according to my understanding i have done what's mentioned above. I need some one to correct it if required.
  10. Syed A1

    Tracking Help Required between Adcombo and Propellerads

    Hi All I am trying to setup tracking between @PropellerAds and @Anastasia AdCombo. I don't want to use any tracker for now. Is it possible to see conversions in @PropellerAds without using 3rd party tracker ???? Following is what i asked @PropellerAds support Kindly look into following and...
  11. Syed A1

    Conversion Tracking Between Propellerads and Adcombo

    Hi, I ran some test campaigns using Propellerads + Bemob + Adcombo. I got some conversions also. I have a serious problem of traffic loss from Propellerads till Offer. In some campaigns its upto 70%. From Propellerads to Bemob (30%-40%) From bemoob to Adcombo (30%-40%). Previously i was...
  12. Syed A1

    Official AdCombo

    I am trying to contact her since last friday but she is not replying. I have just got some conversion, some leads, few are on hold. I want to discus about this also. I asked her about some high converting campaigns for specific geos but no answer. Whenever i saw my skype her status is seen 1...
  13. Syed A1

    Official AdCombo

    Hi @Anastasia AdCombo i am a beginner affiliate. Just started investing in ads. I am currently using @PropellerAds + @bemob + Adcombo. I have issue regarding traffic drop on landers provided by adcombo. I am not hosting these pages on my own server. I will mention some stats of few campaigns...
  14. Syed A1

    Suggestions Required For Push Campaign

    Actual Offer Page is attached for ref. Its 3000 PLN for 61 days with 0% APRC. These offers are widely available in EU,RU and some LATAM Geos. Its marketed by brokers and also some legit financial institutions. I used tracker and recorded every thing. I have ip addresses how can i spot...
  15. Syed A1

    Suggestions Required For Push Campaign

    This offer i tried with propellerads only. landing page is you can have a look.
  16. Syed A1

    Suggestions Required For Push Campaign

    Zoneid at propellerads means id of particular website where push notifications are shown.
  17. Syed A1

    Suggestions Required For Push Campaign

    Hi All Masters, I ran a campaign with following details. I need input for what went wrong, how to do better. Affiliate Network : Cityads Offer : Quick Loan (CPL + CPS) Traffic Network : @PropellerAds Campaign Type : Push CPM Country : Poland LP : Direct Link (since i read a case study...
  18. Syed A1 Delivered almost 80% False Traffic!!

    I was about to deposit $500 with them. Thanks to this forum and members i m saved. Regarding they said VPN shit, they must have system in place to block vpn traffic.
  19. Syed A1

    anyone tried media buying on adult sites to convert gambling offers

    Minimum CPC is $250 ? isn't it bit high.
  20. Syed A1

    Push Notification Impression Tracking

    Thanks for ur reply. Actually i am gonna test both D/L and with lander. I am now fully assured that in case i will use push CPM my tracker will not count impressions since ad is hosted with propeller ads like @LandingTrack said. My offers payout are as follows. I want to know from others...