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  1. The Jumper

    How to track a funnel (2 landers + 1 offer)

    I sent this message in a thread for Zach, but he hasn't replied yet. I'm new in this forum and you guys mentioned tagging. So, I'd better tag him too; @Zach AdsBridge Here's my major concern below: Hello Zach, please I need your help urgently... Q1: I created a multi-funnel lander with 9...
  2. The Jumper

    Need some clarification-Adsbridge

    Hello Zach, please I need your help urgently... Q1: I created a multi-funnel lander with 9 CPA offers and another one with 3 CPA offers right! Now, the 1st lander I created (with 3 CPA offers) gave me a Multi-offer click URL which is And the...
  3. The Jumper

    Campaign Help

    Try has a steep learning curve. Watching tutorial videos on youtube will help though...
  4. The Jumper

    Retargeting Basics with AdsBridge

    Great piece of info...just getting started with this today with Bing. Hope to get massive results soon...
  5. The Jumper

    A few questions before i'll start my affiliate journey

    $1200...that's more than enough to get started with. Just spend much time acquiring the skills first before launching out and learn as you go forward.
  6. The Jumper

    Need some clarification-Adsbridge

    Hello Zach, please I need your help urgently... But my post count won't allow me to post links...
  7. The Jumper

    Justin Bieber let me down on one of my first campaign.. LOL

    You rock, rock!!!
  8. The Jumper

    7search Live Casestudy

    Still got your back, David...'cos you're encouraging the rest of us in ways you might not comprehend.
  9. The Jumper

    What Type Offers Should I Promote on 7search?

    We're in the same boat here, chum!
  10. The Jumper

    CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of Reso

    Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of Eh...Eymard...we're reading your case study here...can u please answer that question? Thanks!
  11. The Jumper

    Every 1000 poster will get an EWA Network account!

    RyanEagle doesn't even have 30 posts...Geez...makes me wonder, tho!:(
  12. The Jumper

    The Hype is real!

    Can't wait...:)