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  1. facebook affiliate NEWB

    Can i get an honest opinion on these landing pages?

    Thank you I appreciate the input and criticism.
  2. facebook affiliate NEWB

    Can i get an honest opinion on these landing pages?

    I made them myself they are first attempts. I don't have a partner or anybody else i can bounce ideas from.
  3. facebook affiliate NEWB

    Can i get an honest opinion on these landing pages?

    Thank you for the input. I really do apricate it.
  4. facebook affiliate NEWB

    Can i get an honest opinion on these landing pages?
  5. facebook affiliate NEWB

    Can i get an honest opinion on these landing pages?

    I have to post something before i can post a link so here is something.
  6. facebook affiliate NEWB

    honest opinion

    I think i need 10 posts
  7. facebook affiliate NEWB

    honest opinion

    I'm sorry i can't post a link yet
  8. facebook affiliate NEWB

    honest opinion

    can i get an honest opinion on these landing pages some landing pages?
  9. facebook affiliate NEWB

    facebook ads

    Can you recommend any affiliate programs that facebook won't fuck with?
  10. facebook affiliate NEWB

    facebook ads

    Isn't that what landing pages are for to lead away from facebook?
  11. facebook affiliate NEWB

    facebook ads

    isn't that what the landing pages are for so Facebook does not fuck with you? isn't that what the landing pages are for?
  12. facebook affiliate NEWB

    facebook ads

    I've been teaching myself clickfunnels, and setting up my ad campaigns on facebook. I have my pixels everything is set up for me to go live. I have been doing this for months. I feel confident in my abilities now.
  13. facebook affiliate NEWB

    facebook ads

    Yes i understand that and that's what i'm doing.
  14. facebook affiliate NEWB

    facebook ads

    I plan on sinking about 5k into facebook ads, using clickbank has anybody had great success with facebook? I have about 8 business pages dedicated to advertising. I'll be using fiverr to create my ads. Has anybody has success?