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    Tips for improving CRO?

    Hmm, yes, T J mentioned the colors too, and I should look more into the way I "target" and "meet" the customer from their standpoint. Thanks! :)
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    Tips for improving CRO?

    Ouf, it didn't even cross my mind to add disclosure pages :rolleyes: And green would probably be a good color to add more places - it's a Norwegian website after all :D
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    Tips for improving CRO?

    Hey! I seek advice on conversion rate optimization (CRO) for my website Hva er omstartslån? Dette bør du vite The form at the top isn’t performing so well, and I wonder if anyone has tips as to how it can otherwise be designed to increase CRO?
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    Is it still worth it using incentives for marketing in 2022?

    Thanks for clarifying! I also like the different need for skill in content marketing - it makes the process very interesting to be able to write lots of articles and make videos :D
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    Is it still worth it using incentives for marketing in 2022?

    For more context: The reason I ask is that I don't have a too big budget, and wonder whether it would give more customers to do incentive marketing than other traditional methods?
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    Is it still worth it using incentives for marketing in 2022?

    I've been reading a bit about incentive marketing lately, and so far I see that it used to work quite well in the past, like in the early 2010s, but how does it do these days in 2022? Is it something I should direct eeffort towards, or should I focus on content marketing, SEO, socialm edia, etc.?
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    Beware of Big Pictures in Your Blog Posts

    Thanks for bumping, Pablo! I was wondering what it meant that my page loaded because of image size in All In One SEO tool I use... will reduce the image sizes now
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    Thanks Putin!

    Well that's a way to see it :p
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    Article Layout & Design

    I like to keep things really simple, with black text on a white background. But I've found that both methods work well; articles can also look really good with good design
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    What do you look for in an Affiliate Manager?

    For me, it's important to keep a positive and optimistic working relationship, with a "can-do" attitude. It makes the whole difference!
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    Thanks Putin!

    Wait, whaat - are victims supposed to resist?????
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    2022 First Affiliate Journey in SEO

    Yes, good luck, and please keep us up to date!
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    Squarespace vs Wordpress - What will you choose?

    Wordpress every time, but probably because it's the only website builder I have used :p
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    I've found that a good general rule is to not plagiarize, but to use other articles and information sites as inspiration for what to write about... it might not be just as quick, but it's good for your soul (and possibly your SEO rankings!)
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    Todays Rant... Newbies need to read this!

    I needed this! Been struggling with low confidence regarding my business lately :p