Hello. We have been using Refersion for a while. We're doing good and our revenue have reached close $200k+.
They have pretty good merchants that apply automatically then bring in good amount of revenue.
However, last month our third-party Carthook checkout app via Shopify is no longer...
mariathompson submitted a new resource:
Earth Breeze Affiliate Program - For every order of one pack, we donate 10 loads to charities and non-government organizations
Read more about this resource...
$10 commission for 1-25 sales each
$15 commission for 26-99 sales each
$20 commission for 100+ sales each
Did you know that 700+ million plastic laundry jugs end up in our landfills and oceans every year? Earth Breeze comes to the rescue as a zero-waste product providing a realistic solution...
Hi guys,
I don't want to sound like I am promoting the brand I am working for. I am here to connect and learn with
fellow affiliate program manager :)
How is everyone? I see that this forum is not so active so let's make this active and the whole Affiliate Fix :)
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