I am helping another forum member with this and I only have 2 accounts just for testing the limits and such and so far in 24 hours I had an 80 % conversion rate . Again I did not bother with targeting just seeing what instagrams limits are and when they will ban me . I am trying this out on 3...
No I meant make a lot of free domains with .tk and .in etc the ones that give free extensions and post them like that or just cover them up with goo.gl and make them redirect to where you need them .
Yes you are but as far as I know they only ban those that make you money not goo.gl shortener and similar ones . At least I never had problem with it .
In the process of making the instagram account I will use for this journey . My fitness account took a name of a previously enormous account and because of that it gained around 10 000 followers in 3 ,4 days and averages 500 likes. So this is why I kind of stopped updating I was concentrated on...
Update for Day 2:
1. Male fashion account is
likes:average 40
This is great , I did not excpect a 20 % followback rate , neither this much likes per picture.
2.Female fashion account
Started testing the niche
Uploaded photos and started the bot.
I am on my phone so I am going to be quick with the update.
Day 1:
Following 400 people
Followers 80
20 average likes per picture
This are great stats I am really happy.
Usually the followback rate is 10 % and I have 20%
The goal for the next day is to get 150 followers .
After that if I...
Well basically this journey is supposed to show people on how to grow their accounts with the least money invested and do it in reasonable time .
As for monetization I spent money on buying blogs with the names of the accounts.In short I'll explain my long term plans.
It is 3 blogs - 1.fashion...
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