Hi everyone
I have a question
When i create a whitelist campaign with all green placements, the first campaign should keep going to run? If yes, should i cut these good placements from my first campaign and leave it only in whitelist campaign? Thanks
Hi! I'm using adplexity and i have seen that the most popular ad sizes are 125x125, 230x230 or 340x340 but i can't found it on startapp!
I tried to do a banner, interstizial or rich text campaign but i see other sizes, why? What i did wrong?
thank you for your answer.. I saw that some browsers or OS work badly, but on zeropark is not possible to target browser version etc anyway i'll run offer during the best performing hours!
I chose this offer because my manager advised me and i have not tested other networks .
I'm working with one network...
maybe is better to change offer?
Hello guys!
I'm running an offers on Zeropark from about 15 days and i can't bring it into profit!
I spent about 50$ daily.
These are the overall data:
Click: 26262
ROI: -16%
I created the white campaign with only placements that works, i tested many lander..i do...
Hello! My name is Rossella and i'm italian. I know this business recently and already love it! I realized the potential and i've never been so motivated.
I have already launched some campaign and it has not gone badly. Unfortunately i had to stop traffic because my affiliate manager told me...
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