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  1. Lydian

    Setting Up Prosper202 w Wordpress

    For those who are familiar with Prosper202 would anyone mind explaining how to add the tracking code to the landing page? I would understand it if my page was coded in HTML but I'm using wordpress. I already have it installed on the VPS and everything.
  2. Lydian

    Is Prosper Free?

    I've been trying to install this for the past 3 hours and I'm having trouble. Is there anyone who can help? I'm running a VPS on Bluehost. I've created the database & user with all the privileges enabled. Everything works until I get to the last step where I input my email & password. When I...
  3. Lydian

    Is Prosper Free?

    I think this might be a link to the old version? GitHub - tracking202/prosper202: Open Source PPC Conversion Tracking Software Bundled With Tracking202
  4. Lydian

    How Many Campaigns Should You Be Launching?

    Just signed up :)
  5. Lydian

    How Many Campaigns Should You Be Launching?

    Not currently because the one campaign I have that's profitable is actually a direct link to the checkout page of the company website. Tracking requires that the traffic is going to your own website no? I do plan on using tracking for the first time though on the next campaign I launch which...
  6. Lydian

    How Many Campaigns Should You Be Launching?

    That helps a lot tony & Karmand. Thank you so much. Another question I had was in regards to the approach of running/launching multiple campaigns. When I had my first profitable campaign the first thing my family told me was to start selling more offers. My response to that was it's not how...
  7. Lydian

    How Many Campaigns Should You Be Launching?

    In the case that you do optimize a campaign and make it profitable at what point do you decide to stop optimizing and focus on other offers?
  8. Lydian

    How Many Campaigns Should You Be Launching?

    Hey guys. How many affiliate campaigns do you think a newbie should be launching per week on average? Is there an average guideline out there that successful affiliates tend to go by? Maybe something like launch 1 campaign per week? Thanks guys.
  9. Lydian

    Whats The Best Way To Build A Landing Page?

    Hey SCM. Thanks for the detailed reply. I've heard of your company. My concern was whether or not I would be able to build the design around the copywriting versus the copywriting around the design. One of the reasons why I always tried to stay away from templates was due to the fact I've always...
  10. Lydian

    Whats The Best Way To Build A Landing Page?

    Hey guys. I'm over here getting frustrated because quite frankly I just don't understand how people build landing pages. Everything from the copywriting to the actual creation of the page. I can't be very successful at affiliate marketing if I'm not able to create a landing page. I know that...
  11. Lydian

    Hello. I'm Creating A New Product And Need Help

    Thanks for the reference Marc. I'll be sure to contact them.
  12. Lydian

    Hello. I'm Creating A New Product And Need Help

    Hello. You can call me lydian. I've been making 2k a month off of affiliate marketing consistently for a year. Unfortunately today I received a message from the company which I am affiliate of that they will be closing their affiliate program in 1 month. Without that program I have no source of...
  13. Lydian

    Whats the Best ROI You achievd?!

    The best ROI I had was 1900% Found a keyword that only costed me about $100 a month and it made me about $2000 a month. Unfortunately the company announced that they would be closing down their affiliate program in 1 month after 18 years of it being open. Now I am here on this forum desperately...