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  1. strickie

    I'm Looking For A Quality Adult Popunder Site

    We have worldwide adult popunders available at JuicyAds. If you're running any type of offers that convert with pops, you should test our traffic. Here's a recent checklist/post we did about optimizing popunders on our blog: 12 Tips to Improve Popunder Campaigns - JuicyAds Adult Ad Network -...
  2. strickie

    Official Traffic Mansion [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  3. strickie

    Official Dating Factory [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  4. strickie

    Official Traffic Mansion [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
  5. strickie

    Official Dating Factory [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
  6. strickie


    JuicyAds is an award winning traffic network that specializes in banner ads, popunders, navigation tabs, and native traffic and works with some of the largest publishers in the world. Their marketplace is one-of-a-kind and gives advertisers the opportunity to pick and choose their ad spots on...
  7. strickie

    Official JuicyAds

    strickie submitted a new resource: JuicyAds - JuicyAds Adult Ad Network - Banners - Native - Pop Traffic Read more about this resource...
  8. strickie

    looking for dating and nutra offers with API

    Hi Omer, We are a direct dating advertiser and have API capabilities at TrafficMansion and GeoEarnings. I will reach out to you via email.
  9. strickie

    Offer Wanted Need offers for dating push base

    Hi Harley, we own some of the best adult/mainstream dating offers online. I would be happy to help you get setup and test some traffic. Please reach out to me at Joe At and I will give you more info.
  10. strickie

    CopyWriting Books

    Cashvertising, Scientific Advertising, Ogilvy On Advertising
  11. strickie

    looking for adult smartlink

    We have a smartlink at TrafficMansion that rotates our 12+ in-house adult dating offers. We own and operate all the offers directly.
  12. strickie

    Looking for dating PPS offer for Sweden trafiic

    Hi, Dating Factory does extremely well with Swedish traffic. You can setup your own white label that is available in the Swedish language, as well as 21 other languages. If you are not interested in setting up a white label, you can promote Swedish dating sites at
  13. strickie

    What should I do with my remnant traffic?

    There's some great options mentioned here already. You could also setup geo specific dating sites that are translated in the native language. This is easy to do with the Dating Factory platform.
  14. strickie

    Official Dating Factory [Deleted]

    strickie submitted a new resource: Dating Factory - Dating Factory is a private label solution that allows you to build online dating websites. Read more about this resource...
  15. strickie

    Official Traffic Mansion [Deleted]

    strickie submitted a new resource: Traffic Mansion - The #1 Converting Dating Affiliate Program Read more about this resource...