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  1. W

    Pages Dropped from Google?

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this before; Around 3 months ago the site:url command in Google showed around 15,000 pages for our site, since then this figure has been gradually reducing and is now at around 3,000. Traffic is also going down on a regular basis even though...
  2. W

    EU Domains & Regional Searches

    Your a star Temi, thanks! Has anyone else had experience of this?
  3. W

    EU Domains & Regional Searches

    Many thanks Temi, I was hoping for this answer! Could you please confirm what you mean by 'add UK contents to the site'? I'm assuming you mean place the KW 'UK' in the page content. Thanks again, great forum by the way, only just found it! Lee
  4. W

    EU Domains & Regional Searches

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has had any experience with .eu domains in the UK/Ireland regional search engines. I've personally never come across a .eu domain in the UK's SERP's, how does google treat these? If we look at it logically then the UK is in the EU so they should really show up in...