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  1. the.fordhams

    IBP rank checker and google warning

    So I got carried away and set IBP off on my site looking for rankings on co uk google, all seemed well and after about 40 minutes it came back with some interesting observations. However, not long after that I kept getting the we're sorry message from google - it must have detected the IBP scan...
  2. the.fordhams

    Finding PR for domains for sale

    Aside from the lengthy process of looking at each one is there an auction house or other site that lists the for sale domains (aged) with their PR? Any software do this?
  3. the.fordhams

    Buying a domain

    A domain I like the look of is potentially coming up for release, how do i go about snagging it - there are from memory 2 or 3 places I can pre bid for the domain once dropped - someone tell me the better or more reliable one? Its a co uk one if that matters, Thanks, AL
  4. the.fordhams

    Google Web Tools improvements

    GWT is changing - now we get to see what position in google our sites were at the time click throughs happen. Very useful. However, its all chicken and egg as without rank we wont have clicks - and without clicks we wont have a chance to show authority? Does Google move us around a little to...
  5. the.fordhams

    Tiered linking

    Really, no one has a view on whether this is going to work?
  6. the.fordhams

    Tiered linking

    Can G spot a three way or tiered link? Will G see the following like a link exchange? For example say I have 4 sites A thru D and all in the same industry. A, B and D are all the same IP hosted in the UK and are all PR0. C is a different IP in the US and is PR1. A and B link to C - will G...
  7. the.fordhams

    Norfolk Noob ecommercing

    Thetford, Norfolk - am hoping this forum is a little more informative than some of the others I've been trying to get advice on - mentioning no names.
  8. the.fordhams

    Norfolk Noob ecommercing

    Hi, although I have owned a simple site for 8 years its only the last 12 months that this hobby turned serious and I'm scaling up. I currently have 1 serious niche ecommerce site thats Wordpress Magento combo and currently doubling its visitors every month and selling products - still PR0 tho...
  9. the.fordhams

    Looking for a UK host with cPanel

    Assuming the location of the server is (or will be) important - I need a UK host that is scalable. Most of the US are unlimited and cPanel - I'd like one of those but in the UK for my co uk site. My experience of easyspace is deplorable, unitedhosting is not cPanel (yet). Anyone else of repute...
  10. the.fordhams

    Common SEO Mistake

    I have a newbie question - you mention validating - I presume this means make sure the site validates? Or are you saying don't waste your time on it? A second question - how much is excessive use of keywords in content - are we saying 20% and more or keep it in the 10-15% mark with good spread...
  11. the.fordhams

    Anyone want to exchange one way links?

    I may be able to help, I have those words as my KW target and our businesses are unrelated. Being a noob on this forum how do I message reliably - I see how to dig, stumble and deliciousise, quote and reply?