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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. TravelingAffiliate

    Let's Talk About The Elepent In The Room - Tax and Money!

    Hey guys! I want to know how people pay tax. I know this is a big community with people from all around the world but I want to know how people from around the world pay tax or don't pay;). So... 1) Are you reporting on your earnings? 2) If yes, how much is the government tax that you are...
  2. Adrian Alvarez

    Facebook Ads + Offers (Please help)

    So recently there's been a SURGE of posts complaining about facebook ad accounts being banned. They've upped their enforcement on restrictions and seem to be banning accounts left and right with no explanation. Many affiliate veterans are abandoning this ad platform because of how easily...