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affiliate tips

  1. Saffron Marie

    What is the best way to promote an adult affiliate programme?

    Hi all Im new here so forgive my ignorance. Having built an online shop which seems to have taken off, i have now started an affiliate programme offering what i perceive to be great commission rates, this is on a tiered basis. I sell luxurious adult toy, lingerie etc and want to promote my...
  2. R3DRUM

    Affiliate Marketing Should Be Easy!

    What is the most tedious part of affiliate marketing? Ans: Testing, testing and testing (Yes, i heard you) Test Offers Test Creatives/Landing Pages Test Traffic source What is the most frustrating part of affiliate marketing? Ans: Winning Offer gets paused after several days or weeks of...
  3. O

    Simple Affiliate tips for newbies

    The promise of earning profits without really doing much of anything has enticed a lot of people towards affiliate marketing. But does affiliate marketing really work this way? As an affiliate, all that is required of you is to simply place the merchant’s ad on your website. Then after that, you...
  4. O

    4 Must Have Tools for Affiliate Marketing Success

    Do you know what does it takes to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? Could you tell me the essential ingredients of an affiliate marketing success story? Is there a shortcut to Affiliate Marketing glory? . All these of these questions play around in the minds of affiliate marketers who want...