Selling replicas, or duplicate versions, of popular brand-name products can be wildly profitable. However, it comes with high risks, as Google has strict policies against advertising counterfeit or imitation goods. If an advertiser or affiliate marketer tries to promote replicas directly, they...
Google Ads is a powerhouse tool for promoting both whitehat and grayhat verticals. But here's the catch: Google's security system is always on high alert, scrutinizing every financial transaction. If anything looks even remotely suspicious, your account could get banned, creating major headaches...
Hi guys.
This is a new journey thread of TheDutchLegend. Before i had Instagram journey and mainly it was about growing the accounts. This journey i want to do and share something else! IG MONETIZATION! MY MAIN GOAL IS TO REACH 300$ a day! I have got right now 300 accounts. I had 500 but some...
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