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  1. Daria_WapEmpire

    Affiliates Wanted The hottest mobile offers: Latin America

    LATIN AMERICA: THE GOLD OF WAPEMPIRE Known and loved for being as hot as hell, Latin America never stops offering what we all love: attractive landings, payouts and, of course, highly profitable campaigns. First countries coming to your mind will probably be Latin marketing titans: Mexico...
  2. Daria_WapEmpire

    Affiliates Wanted Hot LATAM mobile offers

    Hi fixers! Hopefully, 2017 began great for all of you. It definitely began great for LATAM at WapEmpire. DO, GT, HN, PY, SV, CR and more to bring you CR over 2%! PM or skype me for more details, I'll be happy to help you monetize your LatAm traffic. P.S. We've got Spanish-speaking support, too!
  3. YTZ International

    Affiliates Wanted Brand new CPL & CPA offers you should test!

    Brand new offers you should be testing! Get ready for these brand new CPA & CPL campaigns- these are the freshest campaigns in our system, so start testing them now! These offers are available under the 'Campaign' tab in your account. If you don't have a YTZ account SIGN UP for one today...